why wont my dog rest her head?

seriously ever since last night yesterday she will not lay her head down i would wake up in the middle of the night still with her head up im really worried. and when i try to forcibly put her head down she weezes what is wrong with her?? it a maltese…

    why wont my dog rest her head?

    seriously ever since last night yesterday she will not lay her head down i would wake up in the middle of the night still with her head up im really worried. and when i try to forcibly put her head down she weezes what is wrong with her?? it a maltese…...
    General Dog Discussions : why wont my dog rest her head?...

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    • why wont my dog rest her head?

      why wont my dog rest her head? General Dog Discussions
      seriously ever since last night yesterday she will not lay her head down i would wake up in the middle of the night still with her head up im really worried. and when i try to forcibly put her head down she weezes what is wrong with her?? it a maltese bichon 8 year old and my yorkie who is also 8year old is perfectly fine

      why wont my dog rest her head?

      why wont my dog rest her head? General Dog Discussions
    • I would get her to your vet immediately. That is not normal. Don't try to force her head down, especially that she is wheezing. Something sounds wrong with her breathing passages and possibly her ears. She could have gotten hurt, maybe playing, maybe someone hit her, or maybe she just has a sudden onset of a medical condition. But please please get her seen right away.

    • I don't know, but I'll guess ...She may have injured her neck, or she may be having trouble breathing if her head is down, or she may have an obstruction in her throat or airway.Don't take my word for it. Your dog needs to see the vet to find out what's wrong. Meantime, don't force her head down if it causes her discomfort!

    • She may be having an asthma attack or allergy flareup and the inflammation in her airway is causing the wheezing. Take her to the vet ASAP. A dog that age and breed needs to get checked on when anything goes wrong especially with breathing. Seriously, she could die if you don't go as soon as possible!

    • She is probably having difficulty breathing.Don't force her head down,and try to get her to an emergency vet as she may need oxygen. She might have a growth in her throat,tonsillitis,pneumonia, heart disease,etc.Get her to a vet asap.

    • Hi, i would say that your dog would be strest about something. I would help her came down by befor you got to bed stroke her gently and you need to stay calm and your dog will notice that your there and she can relax. Or other wise i think your might just be lonley at night and your other dog they might not sleep together, and then sometimes your dog mght just be cold.Good Luck