I need help with my dogs? Please?

I just got a 10week old yorkie about a week ago, and I have a 9year old shih tzu, and my yorkie keeps trying to play with the shih tzu and the shih tzu dosnt want to play and dosnt like it, but my yorkie dosnt get it and keeps trying to play. And I am…

    I need help with my dogs? Please?

    I just got a 10week old yorkie about a week ago, and I have a 9year old shih tzu, and my yorkie keeps trying to play with the shih tzu and the shih tzu dosnt want to play and dosnt like it, but my yorkie dosnt get it and keeps trying to play. And I am…...
    General Dog Discussions : I need help with my dogs? Please?...

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    • I need help with my dogs? Please?

      I need help with my dogs? Please? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a 10week old yorkie about a week ago, and I have a 9year old shih tzu, and my yorkie keeps trying to play with the shih tzu and the shih tzu dosnt want to play and dosnt like it, but my yorkie dosnt get it and keeps trying to play. And I am afraid my shih tzu my try to bite the yorkie because he is a biter...How do i show the yorkie not to play with my shih tzu??

      I need help with my dogs? Please?

      I need help with my dogs? Please? General Dog Discussions
    • Your shih tzu will eventually give in, trust me. Don't stop your yorkie from trying to become acquainted with the older dog. My close friend has a 7 year old poodle and just got a yorkie as well. The poodle did not want to be bothered with the yorkie and would growl when the yorkie was near. Now, the yorkie jumps all over the poodles head and the poodle just lays there. They play together all the time. It's so cute.

    • I have brought young kittens into a home with an established older cat and a puppy into a home with older (read lazy and leave me alone) cats. It takes a few weeks but animals will work out their "pecking" order and tolerance level. My young dog still tries to entice the old cat into "playing," but, she also now knows when the cat seriously means "leave me alone!" and generally will back off. Aside from drawing blood, let them work it out. Dogs are "pack" oriented and need to develop (on their own) who's "top dog" and what they will tolerate from the others in the pack.

    • I have a 15 year old hound and 3 other dogs under the age of 3. They are constantly wanting to play with her and at first I tried to step in. Then I realized that she could handle it. A low growl and a quick nip will quickly put them in their place.The easiest way is to let them work it out between them. In most cases, the older dog will teach the younger dog the rules of the household. In some cases, this may result in a nip or two, but unless it becomes actual fighting, I would step back and let them establish their roles in the household.

    • I don't really think you can show the yorkie not to play with the shih tzu, but if the shih tzu snaps or nips at your yorkie, i think the yorkie will get more of the idea from the shih tzu than from you.

    • give them time; afterall you just got a puppie and the shih tzu doesn't know what to do about it as he was the only dog. it should take about 1-2 weeks before they start to really get aquainted and start playing with each other. - don't worry about the shihtzu bitting, the yorkie will get message very soon

    • you don´t have to do anything. the older dog will teach the other one the rules. Don´t worry. It´s easy and fun. you just supervise the way they use to teach and learn.

    • either the Shih Tzu will give in and play, or he will have enough of it and let the pup know to leave him alone.All you do is supervise to assure that they dont get too nasty. If you think the pup is being too much of a pest, you can separate them.Dogs have a way of working out their pecking orders, give it time.

    • Your yorkie is still a puppy and puppies are always very playful. On the other hand, your shih tzu is an old 'man' now and so he is too lazy to play.You either separate them until your yorkie is older or you can put them together and allow your yorkie to continue playing with your shih tzu under your supervision. As soon as your shih tzu shows signs of aggression you immediately check him.Soon he will learn to accept your yorkie.