My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP?

Well my siberian husky obviosly female lol, is going to be in heat soon & we have another dog male that is 9years old & i need to know what can i do from preventing him to getting her pregnant while she goes into heat for her first time or do male dogs…

    My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP?

    Well my siberian husky obviosly female lol, is going to be in heat soon & we have another dog male that is 9years old & i need to know what can i do from preventing him to getting her pregnant while she goes into heat for her first time or do male dogs…...
    General Dog Discussions : My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP?...

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    • My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP?

      My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP? General Dog Discussions
      Well my siberian husky obviosly female lol, is going to be in heat soon & we have another dog male that is 9years old & i need to know what can i do from preventing him to getting her pregnant while she goes into heat for her first time or do male dogs not get female dogs pregnant when theyre that young? if they do then, what can i do to prevent him from getting inside her lol. in all seriousness they both love outside in our backyard so theyre together 24/7 & we can keep one of them inside since i get maad insane terrible allergies.

      My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP?

      My Dog Will Soon Be In Heat, PLEASE HELP? General Dog Discussions
    • A b^tch in heat can become impregnated no matter what age. Why not get her spayed and stop this problem?If your male is intact and the female goes into heat the male will try to mate her and this is NOT a good situation.Sigh. Now would be a great time for a spay, dear. And neuter the male.

    • Have him neutered, and have her spayed. This is going to happen over and over, and there is no reason for you to have intact dogs at all, if you are even asking this question. Keep them both safe - please - get them fixed and they can spend every day until forever together from then on.

    • Suggest you get her spayed unless you REALLY intend to breed her. Unspayed females often end up with breast cancer. And yes she can get pregnant on her first heat. It would be fairest all round, not just to your boy dog, but to all the boy dogs in the neighbourhood, who will be trying to get at her and could risk road accidents, etc.Ask the vet.

    • You have three choices: Either get one or both of them fixedGive one or both of them upKeep them apart at all times during her cycle. An intact male will breed with a female in heat no matter how old they are. Your only guarantee of preventing pregnancy is to get one or both of them fixed, or find a new home for one or both of them. Keeping them apart, especially in a situation where you're not willing to really do anything, is almost a guarantee of pregnancy, because it takes a minute to get a dog pregnant, and all you have to do is turn away for that short period of time.

    • He is too old too be neutered so don't try that. Do you have a nearby pet store that you can ask them for something for the male so he doesn't breed her? Or you could build a small pen to keep him in temporarily but that isn't positive he can't breed her and would it really be so bad if she got pregnant. You can get something at pet stores to helpu

    • You get her in quick for a spay or you keep at least two good doors between them at all times when she comes in.Yes he will impregnate her, and he is too old to safely sire pups and she is too young to have them.Surely you didn't need us to tell you this !!!It's hard luck if one of them will go insane.. if you choose to keep your dogs entire then you have to put up with the b*tch being indoors for three weeks. Or get her spayed NOW.

    • well obviously the best answer is to get her spayed.....yeah, we then can tell the world we are saving a dogs life . Also have the little boy neutered....thus again saving a life a of another pet. You are not a proffesional breeder, thus having no right to breed ur the right thing and get them bothe spayed/neutered and you will have happy healthier pets/

    • Get them spayed/neutered...If they are both intact, and allowed to be together they will mate, and she will get pregnant...There is no way to keep them together and stop them from mating...If you don't get them fixed, you will have to keep them completely separate from each other every second of the day for 3-4 weeks twice a year...

    • Bitches can't really be spayed whenever it takes your fancy and it's generally recommended that this is done 3 months after the last season, you're vet will advise you further on this.As it doesn't sound like you can keep them separate I'd advise on getting the dog [male] neutered asap, him being 9 wouldn't normally be an issue but again your vet will be able to advise you further.Good luck and I hope there isn't an accident as it could kill your bitch if she's so young that it's her 1st season.