Question about my dog's butt?

I have a female 9years old chihuahua she have a very .. dirty butt, like wet and looks like a rotting fruit, a small brown patch around her butt and been there for A week or more, I tried cleaning it but it doesnt work.

    Question about my dog's butt?

    I have a female 9years old chihuahua she have a very .. dirty butt, like wet and looks like a rotting fruit, a small brown patch around her butt and been there for A week or more, I tried cleaning it but it doesnt work....
    General Dog Discussions : Question about my dog's butt?...

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    • Question about my dog's butt?

      Question about my dog's butt? General Dog Discussions
      I have a female 9years old chihuahua she have a very .. dirty butt, like wet and looks like a rotting fruit, a small brown patch around her butt and been there for A week or more, I tried cleaning it but it doesnt work.

      Question about my dog's butt?

      Question about my dog's butt? General Dog Discussions
    • She could have an infected anal gland you should take her to the vet , it is a very painfull thing and the vet can help her with antibiotics some times they need surgery . Just let your vet check her out. love her enough to get her the help.