What's wrong with my dog?

I have a staffordshire bull terrier and he's about 9years old.. Sometime last year he developed a lump on the back of his front left paw, it was irritating him and bleeding so we took him to the vets to get it removed. At the time we couldn't afford to…

    What's wrong with my dog?

    I have a staffordshire bull terrier and he's about 9years old.. Sometime last year he developed a lump on the back of his front left paw, it was irritating him and bleeding so we took him to the vets to get it removed. At the time we couldn't afford to…...
    General Dog Discussions : What's wrong with my dog?...

    • What's wrong with my dog?

      What's wrong with my dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have a staffordshire bull terrier and he's about 9years old.. Sometime last year he developed a lump on the back of his front left paw, it was irritating him and bleeding so we took him to the vets to get it removed. At the time we couldn't afford to get blood tests done as well and the vet told us that the lump could come back anywhere on him. The lump has come back; near the old lump on his leg, two lumps on his back and one on his neck.The lumps aren't big in size and are quite rough. Does anyone know what it could be?

      What's wrong with my dog?

      What's wrong with my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Sorry to say, but it sounds like your dog has cancer. Many pure breeds get cancer in their later years. I am not a vet, and I would recommend that you go to one to verify, but I have had two dogs die from cancer that started the same way (as little bumps that appear and grow).

    • Oh your making me sad, : ( hes probably got cancer poor thing. if you cant afford to get it romoved u should put him down, i no how you feel my dog got put to sleep a few years back i couldnt watch..Hope it helped..evan tho its very sad

    • Upon discovering my dog was diabetic, i was told by my brash but sensible vet, you either treat it or put her to sleep.You have no idea what sort of pain the lumps are causing the dog, even if he is eating properly and appears to be acting normally.Ask your vet if you can pay in installments and get the needed treatment, be it biopsy,blood test and so on.There are also organisations that may be able to help you out with vets fees.Sorry to state the obvious, but find out what it is for sure and either decide to treat, and if you cant/wont, then put the dog to sleep.

    • They are cancerous mets from the original cancer. At this point, there wouldn't be a lot of positive treatments.Don't feel too badly about not having the money to do more last time. But the time it erupts into bleeding it is already too late to do more than give him a happy life for as long as you can. Sometimes people spend several thousands of dollars on treatments that torture the dog. The outcome is always the same. And I think the treatment is cruel in many cases. Please don't feel badly about not doing more.Your dog is 9. He is reaching the natural end of his lifespan. Just enjoy him and keep him happy.

    • I had a Staff, also Boxers among other breeds, and those 2 breeds tend to have tumors highly with older ages.If the growth is "rough" as you say (not well define and round), then more likely it is maligment. Sorry