dog make weird noise?

recently my dog been making this noise. its very hard to describe it but it sounds like a fat dog making noise cuz he so big or have a hard time breathing..he never made this noise before. he acts normal and can play around and take walks. help plzthanks…

    dog make weird noise?

    recently my dog been making this noise. its very hard to describe it but it sounds like a fat dog making noise cuz he so big or have a hard time breathing..he never made this noise before. he acts normal and can play around and take walks. help plzthanks…...
    General Dog Discussions : dog make weird noise?...

    • dog make weird noise?

      dog make weird noise? General Dog Discussions
      recently my dog been making this noise. its very hard to describe it but it sounds like a fat dog making noise cuz he so big or have a hard time breathing..he never made this noise before. he acts normal and can play around and take walks. help plzthanks for the response. my dog is a rat terrier mutt. he is only 3 years old.

      dog make weird noise?

      dog make weird noise? General Dog Discussions
    • My 9year old chihuahua makes weird/silly noises too. Is it kind of like grunting noises like an old man would make? Mine does it when I pick him up because he is chubby but if it is something he is doing all the time and you are really concerned. Call your veterinarian and let him/her listen over the phone if possible and see what they have to say! It's probably nothing serious but check to be sure if it just started out of the blue. Hope he is okay!

    • The unidentified noises from dogs have often correlated to my profession. Your dog could be suffering from a demon possession. Check the color of his feces, the darker the color the further extent his possession could be. Call your local spiritual guide.