parvo outbreak in NC?

Apparently in NC there is a serious epidimic of the parvo virus among dogs. They are seeing it in puppies that already received their parvo shots so they are advising for them to get their parvo shots again. I have three dogs aged 11years,9years, and…

    parvo outbreak in NC?

    Apparently in NC there is a serious epidimic of the parvo virus among dogs. They are seeing it in puppies that already received their parvo shots so they are advising for them to get their parvo shots again. I have three dogs aged 11years,9years, and…...
    General Dog Discussions : parvo outbreak in NC?...

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    • parvo outbreak in NC?

      parvo outbreak in NC? General Dog Discussions
      Apparently in NC there is a serious epidimic of the parvo virus among dogs. They are seeing it in puppies that already received their parvo shots so they are advising for them to get their parvo shots again. I have three dogs aged 11years,9years, and 6mo. Do my older dogs need their parvo renewed or are they immune? Will getting it for my puppy again stop the virus? I mean if it didn't work the first time?

      parvo outbreak in NC?

      parvo outbreak in NC? General Dog Discussions
    • Yeah it's really bad in TX too!I have read that there is a strain of parvo that we cannot vaccinate against. This could be what is causing the outbreak. I think you should talk to your vet regarding your dog getting another vaccination. I am not sure about that.

    • Maybe, just keep all there toys and things clean and your grass poop free and clean. So they dont get it. Do the shot in case i hate seeing dogs suffer with parvo.

    • Since your dog would have to come in contact with the feces or vomit of an infected dog (this can be brought in on shoes or water run off) The best thing you can do is keep your dog out of dog parks,vet clinics and big box pet stores. If your dog is up to date on their shots there is no reason to revaccinate.A dog is immune or it is not. It can not be made "more" immune. You can run a titer test that will tell you if the dog has antibodies indicating it is immune. Over vaccination tax's your dogs immune system. Feed the best food you can afford give vitamins and be careful where you walk your dogs.