I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.?

My dog is a toy poodle mix, and is already nearly 9 years old on Oct. 2nd. The last one or two years have been hard, she hasn't always been perfect, but now acts awful! Absolutely anything can make her go into a huge barking fit: she stampedes madly to…

    I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.?

    My dog is a toy poodle mix, and is already nearly 9 years old on Oct. 2nd. The last one or two years have been hard, she hasn't always been perfect, but now acts awful! Absolutely anything can make her go into a huge barking fit: she stampedes madly to…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.?...

    • I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.?

      I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a toy poodle mix, and is already nearly 9 years old on Oct. 2nd. The last one or two years have been hard, she hasn't always been perfect, but now acts awful! Absolutely anything can make her go into a huge barking fit: she stampedes madly to the front door and barks obnoxiously until we physically pull her away from the door or yell ridiculously loud for her to shut up (which barely works). Her breath constantly smells unbearable, and then shes almost always licking herself all over and spreading the smell. In the largest room of our house, if she begins licking herself, the stench fills up the entire room, even when I have just bathed her. She also rolls in disgusting things outside: leaves, bird poop, and my mom believes she possibly rolls in her own urine (her fur is always stringy and oily/greasy). We have to lock her up in the bathroom when we leave because she jumps on the leather couch and scratches it, and when we come back, more often than not she has peed behind the door. She also vomits at least once every two weeks, and always on the rugs. She has three beds, and they are all covered in some black dirt and I have no idea what causes this, which makes us spend a lot of money on beds for her, as we must et new ones a lot. I assure you, this dog is bathed, checked by a vet at least once every 2 years, has had her teeth cleaned, and loved much, so these are in no way signs of neglect. We have alll owned dogs before, and absolutely none have had any of these problems. I live with my 50 yr old parents, and in 3 yrs I am taking the dog with me to college, where I will be on my own to deal with all these problems. Money is tight so we can't afford a trainer, and giving her away is not an option, as I strongly believe in 'pets are part of the family'. If anyone has either a possible explanation or a solution to any of these issues, please help me out here! No guess is too crazy at this point!I was thinking maybe it was because we bought her from a pet store, so maybe she came from a puppy mill where she is used to living in filthy conditions??I have taken her to a vet before, but the problem is convincing my parents. I'm a minor without moeny or a car so I can't do it myself. My parents have a tendency to...put things off. Also, I have owned her since she was 2 1/2 months old.And no, shes not fixed. Shes never had pups, but she hasn't been fixed.

      I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.?

      I have huge behavioral problems with my dog, and they're only getting worse.? General Dog Discussions
    • You know what---take her to the vet. She seems to have more physical health problems and the behavioral problems stem from them.Any dog that licks and smells as bad as you say she does and you haven't taken her to the vet...You absolutely need to see a vet ASAP.

    • How long have you had her? 9years or so she should remember the puppy mill thing at all if she was a puppy. But I do think she is getting old. I know 9 is not old but I'm thinking that maybe she thinks she is old. Now as for the smell of the coat. Is she fixed? if not maybe that would help, she isn't too old for that. Her peeing in the bathroom is probably because she is pissed off because you put her in there. Could possibly these behaviors started when you started school? Try to think back when these things started and what was going on in the house hold. Her rolling in things well I would take her for walks and not let her just run. She could be asking for more attention.