A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration?

so as a teenager, i have a lot of stuff that i just cant tell my parents, and my siblings are too young to understand- so i need somebody to love,cuddle, and just give me wet kisses. i went to the pet store, and the animal shelter, and i just dont know…

    A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration?

    so as a teenager, i have a lot of stuff that i just cant tell my parents, and my siblings are too young to understand- so i need somebody to love,cuddle, and just give me wet kisses. i went to the pet store, and the animal shelter, and i just dont know…...
    General Dog Discussions : A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration?...

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    • A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration?

      A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration? General Dog Discussions
      so as a teenager, i have a lot of stuff that i just cant tell my parents, and my siblings are too young to understand- so i need somebody to love,cuddle, and just give me wet kisses. i went to the pet store, and the animal shelter, and i just dont know what kind of dog to get. i've done a lot of research, and there are just Sooooo many different breeds i like. my sister wants a maltese, but i want a dog that isnt JUST cute and cuddly, and sits in a little corner all day, eats, and sleeps- but a dog, and a friend that i can share all my problems and issues with, and wont just laugh at me and tell me im just a stupid bipolar teenager(like my parents, etc.). - because we go through a lot of stuff.my parents are really strict, and animals arent aloud inside the house- so it has to be able to stay outdoors. my mom wants it to be a dog all three of us sibling will like (15 year old girl , 9year old girl, and 5 year old boy) so, my sister just likes cute cuddly things, my brother will just get used to whatever we get, i want a dog thats fairly large, and my mom hates shedding! so with all that criteria its hard to get a dog we all will be okay with. are house has its back directly to a canal, that people walk across every day, and we want a sort of guard dog, but we dont want a dog that barks at everything (for example a chihuahua) im also afraid of getting a dog, that might start fights, when we walk if i run into a pitbull. these are some of the breeds i like:saint bernard(pros:cute, unique, friendly, cons: slobbers), labrador (friendly, loving cons:joint displacia- is it really that common?),jack russell terrier (heard its too jumpy- and will overwhelm my brother), west highland terrier(cute, but will it be able to stay outdoors?, and ive heard its really possessive.arrogant especially to other dogs), boxer (looks scary, but i hear its really sweet)thank you so much for reading my entire really long question C:and please let me know if you have any suggestions, or if you own any of the breeds listed above so you can tell me about your experience

      A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration?

      A good dog for a fifteen year old girl- with all these things in consideration? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't think you know much about dogs sweetheart. You're already judging other dogs. Pitbulls rarely start the fights and are not mean dogs so hush on that one. Wait until you get a job and can pay for it. All the breeds you named are hard to own for first time dog owners. Boxers don't look scary but they stay hyper mostly their whole life and can grow to be aggressive if not raised correctly just like any other dogs.

    • You cannot have a dog until your parents concede that dogs are house pets. Dogs that live in backyards become either vicious or constant barkers, which will get your parents in trouble with the neighbors and, eventually, with the police.If the dog lives in the house, I recommend a miniature poodle. Big enough to not be delicate, very smart, very trainable, and almost no shedding. They aren't much good about protecting, but they will sound the alarm.

    • You are not going to want to hear this, but I don't think you should get a dog. A dog does not belong outside. Wait until you are older and have your own place. In the meantime research more on dogs so you know what you want in the future.

    • Dogs are a HUGE responsibility. It's like having a 4 year old for 10+ years. You should probably wait until your older, but anyways.So about what you've written about certain breeds.Saint Bernards are great, but they can be a bit mean. If they are mistreated...watch out. This is a dog you MUST take to obedience classes, simply because when they grow up you will not be able to manage them if they're not trained well due to their size. Also, just because a dog is big and has lots of fur doesn't mean it can stay outside. Many dogs, including Saint Bernards must be kept indoors with the family. They thrive on being with their family. It would like if your family made you sleep outside. How would that make you feel? You'd be lonely, depressed, angry and would end up being distrustful. It is the same with many--most--dog breeds.West highland white terriers are so cute! I adore them, but they can be difficult to train. They are very smart, they are just very stubborn. They have LOTS of energy, if left alone in your yard, will dog huge holes all over the place. They are another family dog and must not be left outside alone for extended amounts of time. You're right that they can be arrogant to other dogs.Boxers are fantastic dogs. I think they're really ugly, but that's just my personal opinion. They are easy to train, love their family and will guard you. They are sweet dogs. But you shouldn't leave them alone outside in the winter because they'll get too cold!So here are some dog breeds that are okay to be left alone outside:Siberian husky: fantastic outdoor dogs, but they can be a bit hyper. They will guard.German Shepherd Dog: excellent guard dog, easy to train, gorgeousWell I'll give you to a link of outdoor dogs, and you can see which breed best fits you.http://www.petplace.com/dogs/top-dog-breeds-for-life-outdoors/page1.aspxGood luck!

    • Here are some great articles that discus choosing a new dog that will fit into your family and home. The articles raise important issues you should consider before bringing home a new dog.Choosing Your Puppy - http://www.dog-pound.net/choosing-your-puppy.htmFive Tips to Track Down Your Canine Soul Mate - http://www.dog-pound.net/canine-soulmates.htmWhy Consider a Shelter Dog? - http://www.dog-pound.net/shelter-dogs.htmGood Dogs for Children - http://www.dog-pound.net/good-dogs-for-children.htmBest of Luck