adopting a five month old boston terrier?

my neighbor has a 5 mo old boston terrier pup, and it's owner may not be able to take him to his new place. i am considering (very seriously) accepting the offer to have this pup. i have had: a collie, a shelter, (both herders and good work dogs.. i had…

    adopting a five month old boston terrier?

    my neighbor has a 5 mo old boston terrier pup, and it's owner may not be able to take him to his new place. i am considering (very seriously) accepting the offer to have this pup. i have had: a collie, a shelter, (both herders and good work dogs.. i had…...
    General Dog Discussions : adopting a five month old boston terrier?...

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    • adopting a five month old boston terrier?

      adopting a five month old boston terrier? General Dog Discussions
      my neighbor has a 5 mo old boston terrier pup, and it's owner may not be able to take him to his new place. i am considering (very seriously) accepting the offer to have this pup. i have had: a collie, a shelter, (both herders and good work dogs.. i had them when i worked construction and they were more than happy to tote my coolers to the site and "fetch" my smokes for me (no kidding) a shepherd (mix) : that was one of my best friends and very willing to always pull my coolers, and help me pitch my tent campingor grab my mail and newspaper all while assuring me there were no "intruders" (he was a sniffer/barker") and a couple mutts over time, that were great friendsl oyal, and always willing to dig, or help anyway i asked...but never a boston terrier. i compromised w/ the wife many several years ago and took in a (Himalayan cat , now 14 yrs old, (rather than a dog) and wondered if anyone out there can offer any advice. i have done some research tonite, and found some general health issues, : short faces (brocho...something or other < nasal issues, snorting..etc...) and gas? this pup has a great temperament and i have a grown son, so children are not an issue. and i am VERY seriously considering this adoption...any input is welcome...all very good answers, and i will ask if there are any "jobs" this type of dog is disposed to? i'm kind of a "yard rat" ( i like to mow my lawn, and trim bushes..etc) and have prefer to "occupy" my time. any input?

      adopting a five month old boston terrier?

      adopting a five month old boston terrier? General Dog Discussions
    • Since you are getting the dog at a young age, I will say that you need to train, train, train this puppy. Alot of bostons are not well trained and can be snippy if you take them to the vet. Yes they do have breathing issues and snort and get runny noses. They typically will need their anal glands expressed for them (which you can get done at your vet's office). Another thing is that alot of bostons will have red irratated looking eyes.

    • I have a Boston Terrier that I adopted when he was 10 months old. He is my first small dog. He is my favorite dog of all time. He is very loving and cuddly. He loves to play and is very smart. He doesn't shed. I don't know how much "help" you will get. He'll probably eat the cigarettes, and want to ride on your cooler. My Boston is a funny little clown and I love him. He does snore sometimes, but I just change his sleeping position and he stops. As far as gas - when I first got him, it was terrible. I changed his diet to a quality dog food with no chicken or corn and no more gas. I think you should adopt this puppy. You won't be sorry!

    • I'm sorry I haven't had experience owning Boston terriers, but here are some sites I found: friend has a red Boston terrier named Bella, and a standard Boston terrier named Barney, and they are so friendly and active! When you play with them they tend to get hot and worn out easily, but they just lay in the lawn and snort until they're recovered. They are very sweet dogs.Hope I helped ☺

    • I have a 9year old boston.I have always had large breeds and there is a huge difference.The boston needs more exercise but he is a joy to own.The problems you mentioned Ihaven't had.He is harder to train and a lot harder to catch.Lol.He was raised with my rottand lives with a rott mix now.He's great with my 5 and 7 year old granddaughters.Hehas loved them since they arrived.I think you will be thrilled with the boston.Keep a leasehandy Sometimes it's the only way to catch them.Good LuckEdit:the one I have has never tired in his 9 years.I think he would die of heatstroke before giving up the d*** game.