Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog?

My 10year old dog was diagnosed with Ehrlichia and was treated with Doxycycline. It looks like he is loosing weight again and he looks like his hot all the time. Is it healthy to just start a new 30-day Doxycycline treatment (it's a relatively big dog)?…

    Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog?

    My 10year old dog was diagnosed with Ehrlichia and was treated with Doxycycline. It looks like he is loosing weight again and he looks like his hot all the time. Is it healthy to just start a new 30-day Doxycycline treatment (it's a relatively big dog)?…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog?...

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    • Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog?

      Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog? General Dog Discussions
      My 10year old dog was diagnosed with Ehrlichia and was treated with Doxycycline. It looks like he is loosing weight again and he looks like his hot all the time. Is it healthy to just start a new 30-day Doxycycline treatment (it's a relatively big dog)? And, it it considered healthy to give a dog Mylan Diclofenac (Voltaren)?Thanks so much!

      Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog?

      Would this be considered unhealthy to my 10year old dog? General Dog Discussions