Why do my dogs have really bad gas?

I have 2 dogs, a Shih-Tzu Jack Russel cross of 3 years old and a Chihuahua Mutt cross of 10years old. The older one is sitting under my desk right now farting and it smells horrible, a bit like, well I can't really explain it, but the younger one's farts…

    Why do my dogs have really bad gas?

    I have 2 dogs, a Shih-Tzu Jack Russel cross of 3 years old and a Chihuahua Mutt cross of 10years old. The older one is sitting under my desk right now farting and it smells horrible, a bit like, well I can't really explain it, but the younger one's farts…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do my dogs have really bad gas?...

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    • Why do my dogs have really bad gas?

      Why do my dogs have really bad gas? General Dog Discussions
      I have 2 dogs, a Shih-Tzu Jack Russel cross of 3 years old and a Chihuahua Mutt cross of 10years old. The older one is sitting under my desk right now farting and it smells horrible, a bit like, well I can't really explain it, but the younger one's farts smell like rotten cabbage, we do not feed our dogs cabbage and we make sure they have the right diet and are exercised regularly. We are also getting 2 goldfish on weekend, what are some good names for them?

      Why do my dogs have really bad gas?

      Why do my dogs have really bad gas? General Dog Discussions
    • The culprits that most commonly cause gas, are Corn, Soy, and Beet pulp. Check your dog food ingredients, and see if the food has any of those listed.Feed a spoon of yogurt with each meal, to aid complete digestion.Re: Goldfish, Splish and Splash.

    • Since both dogs have it, it must be sth. to do with their lifestyle, that they have in common. I am not accusing you or anything, but ifone dog had it you could say he has a sensitive bowel, but both, it must be sth. in the environment or the food.I suggest you deworm them both for starters, don't use OTC medicine, but Drontal or Milbemax.Then give them "intestinal" food or boiled chicken and rice for at least 1 week, and see if they improve. If they do improve, it means the food was the problem, so gradually introduce some other food as well, not the one you are feeding now.As for the goldfish, how about Romeo and Juliet?

    • "The culprits that most commonly cause gas, are Corn, Soy, and Beet pulp. Check your dog food ingredients, and see if the food has any of those listed.Feed a spoon of yogurt with each meal, to aid complete digestion."QUOTE BY CHETCOI feel like I need to add. Anything with Maize, too. Corn has so many names you might want to google the ingredient before you write it off.

    • Definitely as Chetco has said.I feed raw and it is very rare for them to even have any gas, let alone smell. Dogs are not meant to have vegetation in their diet at all and so many of our dog foods have vast amounts in that it is no wonder they and you suffer.

    • It is their diet, no human foods, and keep on a good balanced dog food, this will cut down on the smelly house issue. Poor babies.No store bought brand dog foods, they are junk.and no table scraps, it can cause a lot of gas, and if your feeding any pork meat, stop, it causes gas bad and will cause worms in dogs.You can feed your dogs, boiled white boneless chicken and rice, cook the chicken really well, and watch the gas problem stop...