What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time?

speech due hurry plesaeTo all who responded, Wow really??? Hahah people really grow some ..... online. Try saying that to a 10 year old to her face. My child used my account to ask a question for her speech.Which she has a week to finish. Her topic…

    What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time?

    speech due hurry plesaeTo all who responded, Wow really??? Hahah people really grow some ..... online. Try saying that to a 10 year old to her face. My child used my account to ask a question for her speech.Which she has a week to finish. Her topic…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time?...

    • What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time?

      What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time? General Dog Discussions
      speech due hurry plesaeTo all who responded, Wow really??? Hahah people really grow some ..... online. Try saying that to a 10 year old to her face. My child used my account to ask a question for her speech.Which she has a week to finish. Her topic happens to be the lack of "compassion and respect in our country". Thanks for proving that it's completely TRUE.

      What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time?

      What is the average amount of dogs ran over in any peirod of time? General Dog Discussions
    • The number of dogs who get run over in any period of time is equal to the number of irresponsible uncaring owners who allow their dogs to roam, placing both the dogs and vehicle drivers in danger.

    • Moondog, your answer is priceless and perfect! Thanks! And the other poster had an excellent answer, too. Do your research in appropriate places rather than being lazy and getting incorrect info from folks who may or may not know the right answer.

    • Moondog - perfect answer! Asker - do your own homework!<=========== UPDATE PLEASE READ =========>Dear Christina Jackson,Thanks for the update in your question, however, I for one do not appreciate your accusations and venom. You might find the excerpt below interesting - it is copy/pasted from YAHOO Answers Community Guidelines. In order to even have an account here, you had to push the "I Agree" button that you read and accepted the YAHOO Answers Community Guidelines. I would venture to say you did not read these but only just pushed the "I agree" anyway. Perhaps that was unwise. Anyhow, I would suggest to you (1) to help your child with her homework, (2) to monitor your child's use of the internet more closely and (3) at least minimally n setup some kinds of internet restrictions for her. Finally, yes I would give an honest answer straight to any 10year olds face if asked. Additionally, in any open question/answer forum (ie: YA), I will give an honest community-abiding answer or observation to any adult when I choose which I just did.Thank You<=============== YA Community Guidelines excerpt ===========>Yahoo! Answers is an online community in which participants ask and answer questions on a wide range of topics. Like any other community, we have a core set of principles that must be followed by all members. Your use of Yahoo! Answers is subject to the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines, Yahoo! Community Guidelines, and the Yahoo! Terms of Service.Violating the Community Guidelines may result in the termination of your Answers account without warning. In extreme cases, violations may result in the termination of your Yahoo! ID, and consequently, access to all other Yahoo! services.For safety reasons, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to ask or answer questions on Yahoo! <=============== YA Community Guidelines excerpt ===========>

    • Christina...That is the vaguest question I've seen in awhile. The "average" number of dogs who have been hit by cars in "any" period of time?So...are you talking about a minute, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade????? And are you talking locally, by state, nationally????For someone with a speech to present, who can't even clearly define the particulars of the speech they are planning to present AND didn't bother to crack a book or do her own research on any specifics, I would say you are in deep trouble!