What do you want to ask about dogs?

I have a mixed breed dog that was adopted from a shelter 10years ago. In the last few years she started sucking on a blanket, pillow or whatever is on the couch. What does she suck like this and when we try to take it away she gets very defensive.

    What do you want to ask about dogs?

    I have a mixed breed dog that was adopted from a shelter 10years ago. In the last few years she started sucking on a blanket, pillow or whatever is on the couch. What does she suck like this and when we try to take it away she gets very defensive....
    General Dog Discussions : What do you want to ask about dogs?...

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    • What do you want to ask about dogs?

      What do you want to ask about dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I have a mixed breed dog that was adopted from a shelter 10years ago. In the last few years she started sucking on a blanket, pillow or whatever is on the couch. What does she suck like this and when we try to take it away she gets very defensive.

      What do you want to ask about dogs?

      What do you want to ask about dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • That blanket is like a binky to a baby. Babies get pretty pissed when you take it away from them but do you let them continue to use a binky through childhood because the get upset? No, you get them involved in other things, reward them for the times they chose to give it up and ignore the fits. You do the same thing with your dog. If the dog is truly defensive meaning growling or snapping you've got bigger problems and should consider taking your dog to some obedience classes. A system of goal and reward will build confidence in the dog and establish you as an authority figure and dog's never correct an authority figure.