How long do cats live?

I have two beautiful calico cats and I was just curious how long cats typically live on average. So does anyone have any thoughts?

    How long do cats live?

    I have two beautiful calico cats and I was just curious how long cats typically live on average. So does anyone have any thoughts?...
    General Dog Discussions : How long do cats live?...

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    • How long do cats live?

      How long do cats live? General Dog Discussions
      I have two beautiful calico cats and I was just curious how long cats typically live on average. So does anyone have any thoughts?

      How long do cats live?

      How long do cats live? General Dog Discussions
    • On average, 7-14 years, but it depends on the breed and active ness. If the cat is outdoor it may live less (around 6-10 years, but I don't agree because I had an outdoor cat for 13 years) but an indoor cat can live up to 20. If you looking at cats, check up on the breed and health concerns that could cause age to differ.

    • The average age of an indoor cat is 12-15 years. Outdoor cat is 4-11 years.If well fed never stressed and given the right care your cat may live for 20 years. Even better if given all shots plenty of love and if you take the advice your vet gives your cat could live up to thirty or more years. However chances are your cats will die before. They can live longer. My dad had a cat before I was born and me and my cat Teddy were so close that when he turned 27 and died I cried. Even though I was only 3 years old. I understood despite my age. So anyways their average age is 12-15. The age they can live up to is 35 years. It is always surprising because I have never heard of a cat that lived that long apart from my beloved Teddy. Hope this helped! :)

    • Hiya really depends on a few things certain pure breeds are more prone to illness liek how siamese are more prone to kidney issues what their fed purely feeding dry food can cut their life significantly Are they indoor or outdoor if they are outdoor then their life span is a luck of the draw car accidents,dog baiters,poisons accidently or intentional can all happen but its purely luck a outdoor cat may live many years or may get unlucky and only live a few 7-10years purely dry fed cat ,feeding purely dry puts strain on the kidneys a decent amount of high quality wet food and little dry can eb anywere from 10-30 years this helps =)

    • Indoor cats live 15 – 18 yearsIndoor/Outdoor cats live approx. 6 yearsOutdoor cats live 4 years. There are always exceptions however these are the averages.Indoor cats don’t get run over.