Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors?

Just wondering.I have a dog outside but she sleeps inside. (Its my parents choise)

    Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors?

    Just wondering.I have a dog outside but she sleeps inside. (Its my parents choise)...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors?...

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    • Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors?

      Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors? General Dog Discussions
      Just wondering.I have a dog outside but she sleeps inside. (Its my parents choise)

      Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors?

      Do you think Dogs should live outdoors or indoors? General Dog Discussions
    • its a personal choice and i recpect any decision, only if it done the wright way.if the dog is outside then he must have all the protection he needs from weather and dog needs to have room, and confort.unfortunatley , some dogs are not getting attention they need when outside, and sometimes i gets tougher so socialise puppy that way in some ,out side is good for medium and bigger dogs, but EVERY SMALL DOG IS AN INSIDE DOG, THATS THE RULE.

    • I honestly would say depends on the weather and dog personality. Some dogs love the outdoors and some hate it well shoudl say few hate it lol. Some dogs can deal with weather conditions while others dont and also where you live factors in. Where I live the thunder storms and wind is horrid I would never leave my beloved pet outside in that but on nice days they are outside for 14 hours or more!! I dont see anything wrong with an outside dog given the attention and care they need.

    • Dogs are social pack animals and therefore they need to be with their human "pack" and that means sharing their house.If dogs are kept outside, then providing they have a draught proof, large indoor kennel, in the shade, with a suitable dog proof large outdoor run/pen and are not left outside chained up to a tiny "hole in the front" box kennel, and providing they get ample human contact, plenty of walks and socialisation, training and play with their human family that is ok.#Dogs should never be chained alone outside when you are not there to supervise them or prevent them being dogknapped or attacked by stray animals. They should never be just despatched outside to live amidst their own filth, because their owners cannot be bothered with them and just be left there as a curiosity or a status symbol.

    • I think 50% indoors when your home and 50% in a secure fenced in yard but it also depends you circumstances & depends on the breed. I don't think its fair for them to complelely be outside all the time, but i also don't think its fair for them to be indoors all the time.Like say a Siberian Husky and Malamute may very well be too hot when we have heater on in the middle of winter. That may actually cause these dogs to have heatstroke. However vise versa in summertimes & spring times. These breeds need to be indoors with the cooler on, to keep them cool, to reduce heatstroke.Like for me for example. Due to a housefire. We are renting, so we have to have my dog out 100% of the time, our rental lady is strict and our rental is also owned by a HOMICIDE COP. It is the rules and regulation we have to abid by to able to live here. If we let her in, we could be kicked out and have no where to go. In the area it isn't too bad because it never snows, but it does get quite cold in autumn, my dogs now 10years & 8month old, however because of her age i now put an outdoor weatherba landa rug on her-totally weatherproof. She a labrador x Golden Retriever.

    • I think the dog sure be part of you family so why no let him in and out, I have 3 dogs and they are inside dog but they spend time out to whent they wanted to go, they tell me and i open the dor and they go out they sleep inside and they are happy.

    • My "short answer" would be indoors....but like everything else it ALL boils down to the OWNER making appropriate choices to ensure a good quality of life for his dog. There are happy "outdoor" dogs and miserable "indoor"'s NOT all about where the dog sleeps. Dogs *are* social creatures and generally enjoy being with their "people" interaction stimulates their mind which is just as important as giving them excercise. Generally, a dog has a better chance at getting more social/mental interaction if he's primarily indoors.But, there are also dogs who are more independent and may frequently "choose" the outdoors over being indoors, if given the chance. And, there are people who work with their dogs on a daily basis or otherwise provide ample stimulus for just about ANY dog to have a wonderful quality of life, even if his sleeping quarters are "outside". You can't tell me a Border Collie on a sheep farm who herds sheep 12 hours a day, 6 days a an "unhappy" dog because he curls up in an outdoor doghouse at night. There are also "indoor" dogs who are cooped up in laundry rooms or crates for WAY too long while the owners work.... virtually ignored by the family even while underfoot, never taken for walks or exercised outdoors....etc. A dog can quite easily suffer from mild neglect & sedentary lifestyle even if they are "indoor dogs". The shocking number of FAT animals you'll see walking into any veterinary clinic is a testament to this. Everybody hears "outdoor dog" and points to the pathetic, neglected, frustrated "outdoor" dog living on a chain or in a kennel in the far corner of the yard who never sees a human except when somebody remembers to set out a pail of food. Of course....these are the dogs we *see* as we drive down the road, these are the dogs showcased on Animal this is the association we make, unless we know better. This is hardly the reality for ALL "outdoor dogs" and people really do need to realize that, before jumping to conclusions. Just my 2 cents :)

    • It depends on the kind of dog and the climate. My husky sleeps indoors with me during the winter (-40) even though he'd be fine outside, he does like to come in. But in the summer I can't bribe him into the house. He likes to sleep in the holes he digs to stay cool.

    • it really depends on the dog,the breed,the climate etc.small dogs are not good outside dogs but a lot of bigger breeds do okay living outside.As long as the dog has proper housing,air conditioning,heating,attention,exercise, food and water than i think it is okay to have a dog outside.