constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial?

i have an older dog of 10years plus who is deaf, going blind but very fit for her age, i think she maybe suffering from doggie dememtial, as she constantly barks from morning up until she is in at night, she lives in her own room with a big run with the…

    constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial?

    i have an older dog of 10years plus who is deaf, going blind but very fit for her age, i think she maybe suffering from doggie dememtial, as she constantly barks from morning up until she is in at night, she lives in her own room with a big run with the…...
    General Dog Discussions : constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial?...

    • constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial?

      constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial? General Dog Discussions
      i have an older dog of 10years plus who is deaf, going blind but very fit for her age, i think she maybe suffering from doggie dememtial, as she constantly barks from morning up until she is in at night, she lives in her own room with a big run with the rest of the 3 other dogs, and is walked daily. is the any herbal or homopathic remedy that could stop or lessen the constant barking. any answers gladly received

      constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial?

      constant barking of an older dog, could it be doggie dememtial? General Dog Discussions
    • it could be dementia.. but that it is also a habit that dogs sometimes pick up when they go deaf and/or blind.I would have her checked by a vet to be sure her health is ok. They to find some trainers who have dealt with training blind/deaf dogs.. they can give you some tips on how to reassure her.

    • An aged dog who is deaf and going blind should not be housed with other dogs, you should get a vets opinion on the issue and allow her to retire as an indoors dog. She is deaf and blind!! she is barking because she is confused and doesn't know how to defend herself any longer, she is barking because that is the only way left for her to feel any safety in her situation, she needs to be inside 24/7, when she needs to go out you must take her. She is 100% dependent on you now.

    • i have had a dog that was older and went blind, he adjusted well, although he did bark more often. when a dog cant hear, or see, they are sometimes calling out to the "rest of the pack" for guidence. sometimes they are scared of not knowing where others are and are looking for a responce.dogs are very social animals and older dogs that share a space with others are usually the alpha, and try to keep others from taking that position. dont move things around, and he should adjust well. dogs go by their scent.

    • Your dog is basically trying to communicate with you as it is confused and perhaps frightened.10 is not that old and there are many things you can do to help her deal with her 'disability'. It sounds to me more like she is very upset and in need of comforting. You need to give her more time. Talk to her, massage her, help her to understand that you are aware of the changes she is experiencing and that you are there for her. Try and understand the kind of things she is barking to you, as she is communicating and you basically are not getting it. (I do not mean this personally, she is expressing her frustrations and no one is picking up on her state of anxiety or whatever it is she is screaming for. Please help me!) She may be developing all kinds of early health problems, including those you have not yet considered. Going blind is not the main reason for her to bark. She may be diabetic. In need of nutrients or remedies of various kinds.Be kind to yourself and be strong, you'll figure it out. Check the bedding, maybe she needs different feed, think of a person going blind and in need of a walking stick. A person suffering from arthritis, in need of a zimmer frame.