What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler?

My Rottweiler is 85lbs, and has arthritis (she's nine), I'm wondering what the right dose of asprin would be to give her.

    What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler?

    My Rottweiler is 85lbs, and has arthritis (she's nine), I'm wondering what the right dose of asprin would be to give her....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler?...

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    • What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler?

      What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler? Dog Breed Discussions
      My Rottweiler is 85lbs, and has arthritis (she's nine), I'm wondering what the right dose of asprin would be to give her.

      What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler?

      What's the appropriate amount of asprin to give a Rottweiler? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Aspirin can be very harmful for animals, especially under 100lbs. Please check with your vet and they will be able to tell you exactly what your doggie needs. It's possible that your pet will be on this medication for the rest of their life, and you don't want to make that any shorter then necessary with stomach ulcers or posining. Your dog’s pain should be diagnosed by a veterinarian because depending on what type of pain he has, there are many things that could potentially be done to help, including surgical correction, analgesics, rebuilding cartilage and physical therapy.

    • NONE!! Please do not give your dog asprin. I gave my 60 lb staffie naproxen and quickly learned that this is a BIG no-no! Human over-the-counter NSAIDs can cause severe stomach ulcers. (And some times kidney failure - although more common in cats.)Sometimes your vet will tell you to give aspirin, but in very small doses (much less than a human dose for the same weight).Try giving the precious girl some Glucosamine with Chondroitin (spelling?). Giving this to her daily should get back to moving like she did as a pup. Good Luck!

    • ZERO.Do not give ANY human medication to your dog unless your vet prescribes it. This is like treating your kid for ADD with Heartgaurd. Would you do that if someone told you it was a good idea? Call your vet please.

    • just because people use aspirin for arthritis doesn't mean that you give it to a dog. obviously you haven't taken your dog to the vet because if you had they would have told you exactly what to do. Aspirin can thin the blood, if your dog rips a toenail out do you want her to bleed to death. Take her to the vet asap and follow there directions.

    • The correct dosage is that recommended by your vet, not from people on the net.It is against the law for people (including licensed vets/techs) to give medication advice/dosages over the net.They don't know a dogs medical history and the safety of medications for that particular dog.

    • I would consult your vet. My oldest dog takes buffered asprin but a half tablet cause he's only a small dog. He also take gulcosamine(hope i spelled that right) for joints. Your vet might look into giving him something like that.