What to do after my dog drank some anti--freeze?

My dog drank about half a gallon of anti-freeze. Now he is sad. what should i do.

    What to do after my dog drank some anti--freeze?

    My dog drank about half a gallon of anti-freeze. Now he is sad. what should i do....
    General Dog Discussions : What to do after my dog drank some anti--freeze?...

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    • Even a kindergartener knows the answer to this one. You go to the emergency vet immediately.There is an antidote for anti-freeze poisoning, but it must be administered very shortly after the exposure in order to work.

    • VET NOW STOP READING THESE ANWSERS AND GO if your dont your dog will die he can live a while in pain but only a jack butt would do that now go the vet will pump his stomach GO VET ASAP

    • well normally you would think this must be a joke but you do like cars and i could see you leaving crap around for the dog to get into . you must be some hill billy. Terrible. Let me see. first let me pour some anti freeze down yoru throat a half a gallon and seee how you fair. YOu idoit! take him to the vet and no more pets for you okay. you stick with your cars and play toys.