Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water?

When my dog drinks water he always dry heaves directly afterwards even if its only a little water. He does it for about a minute and then stops. It only happends after he drinks water though. Is this normal? He's a chihuahua and he's 11 months old.

    Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water?

    When my dog drinks water he always dry heaves directly afterwards even if its only a little water. He does it for about a minute and then stops. It only happends after he drinks water though. Is this normal? He's a chihuahua and he's 11 months old....
    General Dog Discussions : Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water?...

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    • Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water?

      Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water? General Dog Discussions
      When my dog drinks water he always dry heaves directly afterwards even if its only a little water. He does it for about a minute and then stops. It only happends after he drinks water though. Is this normal? He's a chihuahua and he's 11 months old.

      Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water?

      Is it normal for my dog to dry heave when he drinks water? General Dog Discussions
    • It is possible he is ingesting a large amount of air when he drinks. I had a dog who did the same thing and had to regulate his consumption to small amounts. Keep the water to a low level and see if that helps.

    • I know it sounds weird.. but someone said it might be that he's getting a lot of air when he drinks, so try to burp him after he drinks water. If that's the case, he will burp and u will know if that's what's causing it. If not, take him to the vet. Something could be wrong with his throat.

    • Could be that he's gulping too much water and air at once and that causes the heaving.I had a dog that did that all the time, used to worry me, but had him checked out by the vet and he was fine, just gulped too much water at once.Have your dog checked by the vet, if he says there's no problem, you will know it's just the way your dog drinks water.