Can cats drink water before having dental surgery?

My cat has to get some teeth pulled in about 8-10 hours or so, depending on when the vet does it. I just realized that she's been drinking out of the dogs' water bowl. Will she be okay for surgery in the morning?

    Can cats drink water before having dental surgery?

    My cat has to get some teeth pulled in about 8-10 hours or so, depending on when the vet does it. I just realized that she's been drinking out of the dogs' water bowl. Will she be okay for surgery in the morning?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can cats drink water before having dental surgery?...

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    • Can cats drink water before having dental surgery?

      Can cats drink water before having dental surgery? General Dog Discussions
      My cat has to get some teeth pulled in about 8-10 hours or so, depending on when the vet does it. I just realized that she's been drinking out of the dogs' water bowl. Will she be okay for surgery in the morning?

      Can cats drink water before having dental surgery?

      Can cats drink water before having dental surgery? General Dog Discussions
    • Most vets require that you remove water around midnight the day of the surgery. If she hasn't been drinking too much water it may be ok. Just be sure to mention it to the vet in the morning. It is very important that the vet is made aware. From this moment on, remove the water dish. :)

    • If she hasn't been drinking that much, it should be fine. I'm pretty sure that one of the only reasons why animals aren't allowed to drink before an operation is to lower the risk of them vomiting whilst the operation is underway. If you notify your vet though he'll be aware that there's a risk of vomiting, and perhaps will give your cat something to settle her stomach before the operation begins.

    • She should be fine, just do not forget to tell that to the vet. My cat , who is 10, had emergency surgery and she did both eat and drink before it since we had no idea she will need surgery and she was just fine. It just easier if animal didn't drink or eat before it cause of anesthesia, but she should be fine. When I had my kitten neutered he didn't drink water for about 12 hrs so I am pretty sure there wont be a problem with your cat.