How to keep fleas off of the dog..?

I have heard that there is something I can put in the dogs water to keep the fleas off of her. I am terribly allergic to fleas and my daughter dragged a dog home.

    How to keep fleas off of the dog..?

    I have heard that there is something I can put in the dogs water to keep the fleas off of her. I am terribly allergic to fleas and my daughter dragged a dog home....
    General Dog Discussions : How to keep fleas off of the dog..?...

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    • How to keep fleas off of the dog..?

      How to keep fleas off of the dog..? General Dog Discussions
      I have heard that there is something I can put in the dogs water to keep the fleas off of her. I am terribly allergic to fleas and my daughter dragged a dog home.

      How to keep fleas off of the dog..?

      How to keep fleas off of the dog..? General Dog Discussions
    • The first line of defense is a healthy immune system. I use diatomaceous earth on my dog to prevent fleas. I also put raw garlic in with his food every day. Lemongrass oil applied to the dog's fur will help prevent fleas, too.

    • What is the size of the dog. There are many good products to help prevent flea. Your vet can give you the best advise. I am assuming you will be taking to do to the vet ASAP. It will need shots and to be spayed/neutered if it isn't already.Most of the treatments go on the dogs neck not in their water.

    • Frontline! Look for it on the internet, its much cheaper than the vets, also bug bomb your house. We had to do it (bug bomb) when we first moved in our house. It also kills spiders too. Bonus!

    • The best remedy I've found for fleas is Frontline Plus. You can get it at either a veterinary office or some area Pet Smarts sell it, or it's relative Advantix, which I don't think works quite as well. I've seen a flea or two on my dog using Advantix, but I've never seen a flea on her using Frontline Plus. One application a month is all it takes and fleas are a thing of the past. Before using it you should bathe the dog in a good flea shampoo (Sentry flea and tick shampoo is VERY effective) or you can use Dawn dish detergent, which works very well too. Make sure the dog is completely dry, then apply the Frontline and you will not see another flea on your dog. Good Luck!