How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated?

Last time I asked this y'all thought I was limiting my dogs water this is what I meant, how much water does the average dog need a day to stay hydrated? Like how they say humans need 8 cups a day to stay hydrated what about the average dog? I'm not…

    How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated?

    Last time I asked this y'all thought I was limiting my dogs water this is what I meant, how much water does the average dog need a day to stay hydrated? Like how they say humans need 8 cups a day to stay hydrated what about the average dog? I'm not…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated?...

    • How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated?

      How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated? General Dog Discussions
      Last time I asked this y'all thought I was limiting my dogs water this is what I meant, how much water does the average dog need a day to stay hydrated? Like how they say humans need 8 cups a day to stay hydrated what about the average dog? I'm not limiting my dogs water I'm just curious as to how much water a average dog needs to stay hydrated in say 80 degree weather thats really humid outAlso is it wrong for me to not want to use a dog crate? I just don't like them my mom put me in one when I was little for a few days and I just don't like them around so I don't want to put my dog in one, since I'm against them what can I do with my dog when I'm gone for a couple hours at a time?I keep her bowl full I refill it whenever it gets low

      How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated?

      How much water does a dog need to stay hydrated? General Dog Discussions
    • It depends on the dogs weight, activity level, and whether or not its eating canned versus dry food (as well as the ambient temperature). Dogs need at least 40-60 cc water per kg body weight per day at rest, a lot more when they are awake, growing, exercising, pregnant, nursing puppies,sick, etc.

    • You know I really can't say how much quantity wise, I'm sure it's figured by pound, but a dog should always have an unlimited source of fresh, clean drinking water available.

    • Andrew has a good point. Just fill up a bowl of water and when your pup gets thirsty. It'll go get a drink. I suggest having the dry food and water in a familiar spot so your dog can find it easily.

    • A Irish Wolf Hound would require lots more than a sickly runt.Just leave water down ALL THE TIME for dogs & cats. They need to have water any time it needs or wants water. They will not drink more than they need unless they are sick. It is the same for mice, rats, goats, horses, any animal really. They should have it there at all times.I put a stock tank heater in a rubber 30 gal tub so that my dogs can get water any time they need or want it.

    • My dog and the two cats share a water bowl; the cats would never drink from anything other than the dogs dish even when he used to be aggressive about it. We fill a 1-1/2 quart water dish at least 3 times daily, but it isn't usually empty. I estimate that this dog consistently drinks at least 2 quarts a day. He's 75 pounds. Part of the reason for the massive water consumption is that he refuses to eat during the day because he's waiting for the evening meal table scraps before tackling his dog food.