How to train your dog to attack birds?

Birds have been eating our dog food a lot. Not only that, they crap everywhere (including the dogs' water bowl). I have two dogs. One hates birds but he is to old and doesn't care about them. The other just doesn't care. So, how can I train the dog to at…

    How to train your dog to attack birds?

    Birds have been eating our dog food a lot. Not only that, they crap everywhere (including the dogs' water bowl). I have two dogs. One hates birds but he is to old and doesn't care about them. The other just doesn't care. So, how can I train the dog to at…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to train your dog to attack birds?...

    • How to train your dog to attack birds?

      How to train your dog to attack birds? General Dog Discussions
      Birds have been eating our dog food a lot. Not only that, they crap everywhere (including the dogs' water bowl). I have two dogs. One hates birds but he is to old and doesn't care about them. The other just doesn't care. So, how can I train the dog to at least chase the birds out? In addition, I have tried everything else to get rid of the birds and they wont work, so this is my last option.

      How to train your dog to attack birds?

      How to train your dog to attack birds? General Dog Discussions