Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way?

I need to soak my dogs food in water because he is starting to get old and is easier on his teeth for chewing it. will that change anything in the food like washing out the nutrients or anything?

    Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way?

    I need to soak my dogs food in water because he is starting to get old and is easier on his teeth for chewing it. will that change anything in the food like washing out the nutrients or anything?...
    General Dog Discussions : Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way?...

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    • Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way?

      Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way? General Dog Discussions
      I need to soak my dogs food in water because he is starting to get old and is easier on his teeth for chewing it. will that change anything in the food like washing out the nutrients or anything?

      Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way?

      Will soaking my dogs food in water effect the food in any way? General Dog Discussions
    • not at all, as long as he drinks the water too then he's good to go :)my uncles dog never used to drink water and was always dehydrated. so they did that and now she's perfectly healthy :)i would suggest getting your dogs teeth cleaned (lame sounding i know) but it can really make a difference!

    • No I don't believe so. Usually soaking the food is very good for puppies and old dogs because of their teeth, like you mentioned.I did this for my dog when he was a puppy.As far as I know it doesn't change the food in any way. The only thing I would make sure to do is to use clean water, such as your drinking water and NOT sink water or anything else like that.

    • Uhm, nothing will happen to it. It won't lose nutrients, etc, but do you really want to eat soggy food?I think not. So, why make your dog eat soggy food?That's just N-A-S-T-Y.Fa sho,, dude, don't do that. If you do, i hope he throws up on your face.

    • With breeders of collies and other deep chested breeds, most people will decrease the incidence of GDV (Bloat). I have been feeding my dogs water soaked food, and i have had no incidence of bloat. it makes the food easier to digest and doesn't leave a big ball of food in the stomach, making it easier to bloat.

    • I've read that if your dog food contains Citric Acid as an ingredient it shouldn't be premoistened. I'm not sure exactly why, but if this is the case I suggest you look it up. Other then that, no there's no problem, but be sure to pick up any food that is not eaten in 10 minutes because if left out all day bacteria can start to grow.