Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash?

Walking a dog with leash: how to stop the "dragging" habit.

    Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash?

    Walking a dog with leash: how to stop the "dragging" habit....
    General Dog Discussions : Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash?...

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    • Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash?

      Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash? General Dog Discussions
      Walking a dog with leash: how to stop the "dragging" habit.

      Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash?

      Wjhat are some techniques to keep my dog from "dragging" me when I am walking it on a leash? General Dog Discussions
    • get a harness. jerk lightly on the leash when they start to drag and tell them no.its what i do with my dogs. works sometimes. depends on if there is another dog around.

    • When he starts pulling, you can immediately stop moving. He will learn that pulling=going nowhere. Or you can stop, and turn around and go in the opposite direction. This can show him you are the one controlling direction and movement, not him. An obedience class will help you with these things and much more.I had success with an Easy Walk harness, it really helped stop the pulling while we worked on my dog's loose-leash walking. It won't train your dog, but it will help stop the pulling so you can train him.

    • okay. do what i did. get him a harness or a choker. when he starts pulling, snap the leash. when i say snap the leash i basically mean to jerk it so it looks as if its creating a wave. if that doesnt work, when your dog starts pulling stop walking and snap the leash again. when you stop walking your dog will realize that he cant continue his walk if he pulls like that. that should work. i did that to my cane corso. he still pulls, but he doesnt drag me down the block or anything like that.

    • your dog is too excited.some things you can obviously do are join an obedience class with you and your dog. but that usually takes money.what ive known to work are the following.allow your dog to carry around a leash around the house. this will take the excitement out of the object. your dog sees the leash and gets excited and wants to explode with energy.next is before the walk, before you even open the door, make sure your dog is calm. they have all this energy when they know its walk time. calm him down before walking the dog. if you open the door and the dog gets excited, close the door and calm it again. sooner or later it will learn. next during the walk. keep him at your side. dont let him get ahead of you. you are the alpha male (or female...) dogs instinctively will follow a leader. assert your role as one. look up the dog whisperer and study. i know he has tackled every trick that the dog thinks they know....good luck. be patient.

    • Hi,A few suggestions for your consideration...1. Get a professional dog trainer to teach you to train your dog how to heel. 2. Get a dog training book from the library ( if you do not want to buy one ) and try out the recommended technique.3. I get my dog to sit down and I count to 10 before we leave the house for a walk. If it pulls or drags me, I will pull it back to me and make it sit for a few seconds or a minute. I will not walk if he continues doing so. After a few times, he behaves better. Try it out.....Drop by my websites as I have made a short video clip on training my 2 dogs, a beagle and a corgi, at http://www.davidpoh.com/ and http://beaglecorgi.blogspot.com/Good luck and take care.David

    • Get a "Halti"!!! It's a head harness. It is impossible for them to drag you in that. When they try all that happens is their head turns. It's very humane and comfortable for the dogs. It doesn't choke them like pulling on a leash would. There's no pain. It just shows them that it is useless to try to walk without you cuz it ain't gonna work. I believe it comes with a ring for you to hook the leash through both the halti and collar so the dog is doubly secure and yet the halti will still work.Used it on my 90lb Aussie and it worked great. Hope it works for you as well as it did me.(((Note: the Halti should only be on when walking the dog. It is not a replacement for a collar and should not be left on. Because of where it fits, if you leave it on, it can rub raw places if left on 24-7.)))

    • Give him a correction with the leash by "jerking" it firmly and quickly. In a stern, deep voice, tell him to "heel" or "walk nice" then that will be his command. You can work with him to stop, sit, stay when on the leash. Reward him when he does what you ask by using a soothing calm tone of voice. Obidience classes help you be a better teacher becuase they explain kind of how your dog "thinks" and you will realize that consistency is the only way they will learn. You have to work with your pet REPEATEDLY and CONSISTENTLY. It does work, and is well worth the effort! Good Luck!

    • get either a harness that goes on his nose so you have control of his head (kind of like a horse) or get him one of the collars that have the teeth. for every ones information the collars with teeth DO NOT hurt a dog it represents a dog lightly biting on the neck to tell them to stop. try putting it around your arm and pulling it doesn't hurt. hope that helps some! p.s. do not use a choke collar they can do harm to dogs.

    • Obedience classes help teach both you and your dog. A nonpull harness or a prong collar. The best trick I have is that when they start to pull, stop. Get their attention and then walk in the other direction tellng them to heel. Do this as many times as necessary and you will get them to stop pulling and teach them to heel.It does look a little funny when you two are going around in circles but it will get the job done

    • Try a 'Gentle Leader'. It stopped one of my Goldens who 'used to take me for a walk' instead of me taking him.I was told by an Animal Behaviourist , who was also a Police Dog Handler,to invest in a GL and it really did work on him. He seemed to get the message that I was in control and walked to heel straight away. He stopped lunging towards every dog he met on a walk too.He didn't like having the GL put on the first time but I was told to just put it on him in the house and feed him his meals with it on so that he would associate it with something nice.I used to walk him outside a little way then give him a treat every now and then until he got used to wearing it.Worth a try!

    • 1. try holding a tasty treat in your hand. Expect him to keep eye on you (this may mean holding the treat between your teeth). Reward him often.2. Start with him directly beside you. The moment he walks out, to lead, Place your open palm at his nose. Prevent him in a firm, non- threatening manner. And reposition HIM (not urself) by ur side again..3. Keep it up!