Where can I find Dog Training Guides?

Does anyone know of a website where I can find reviews of dog training guides I might find on the internet or Petsmart?

    Where can I find Dog Training Guides?

    Does anyone know of a website where I can find reviews of dog training guides I might find on the internet or Petsmart?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Where can I find Dog Training Guides?...

    • Where can I find Dog Training Guides?

      Where can I find Dog Training Guides? Dogs Training Discussions
      Does anyone know of a website where I can find reviews of dog training guides I might find on the internet or Petsmart?

      Where can I find Dog Training Guides?

      Where can I find Dog Training Guides? Dogs Training Discussions
    • go to www.wonderhowto.com and type how to teach your dog to .... sit speak,etc.my dog had learned all the tricks that was there when she was less than 4.now i have started teaching her words, want more tips? you can email me.

    • you can go onto www.petsathome.com and click on pet advice which is on the front page so you cant miss it and go through all the options to find what you are looking for. Or you can go onto the PEDIGREE website which you have to log in and then you can access al traning tips and advice etc...

    • Obedience training is the foundation for establishing a better relationship between you and your dog. Obedience training helps establish the owner in the role of "pack leader". Obedience will lay down clear behavior guidelines that your dog can follow. A well-behaved, obedient dog is more than just a pet of pride. The difference lies largely in the training, and good training can save a dog's life. These articles will give you tips about how to best train your dog.Dog Training - http://www.dog-pound.net/dog-training.htmDog Obedience - http://www.dog-pound.net/dog-obedience.htmRepetition, consistency, practice and correction are what it takes to train a dog to be happy and responsive. If you follow these simple steps you will find that your puppy can grow into an obedient well-adjusted dog. Repitition and Consistency in Dog Training - http://www.dog-pound.net/repetition-consistency.htm