Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog?

In todays world, with all the information out there, there is not real reason to have your male dog fixed. Worried about over population, guess what, have responsibility on where your dogs goes and what it does. Cancer?? Read the link I pasted. In…

    Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog?

    In todays world, with all the information out there, there is not real reason to have your male dog fixed. Worried about over population, guess what, have responsibility on where your dogs goes and what it does. Cancer?? Read the link I pasted. In…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog?...

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    • Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog?

      Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog? General Dog Discussions
      In todays world, with all the information out there, there is not real reason to have your male dog fixed. Worried about over population, guess what, have responsibility on where your dogs goes and what it does. Cancer?? Read the link I pasted. In fact, it actually hurts your male dog to have it fixed, it is even more pronounced in large breed dogs. I have posted only one of many links that say the same thing over and over. In todays world, there really is no reason to fix your male dog other then if you dog actually gets cancer of a testicle. As the link says though, if you are a responsible dog owner and are doing regular checks of your dog, in the vary rare case of testicular cancer, you will catch it with more then enough time to have it taken care of. Should we remove the dogs eyes so it doesnt have eye problems. Should we remove one of the dogs kidneys so there is only half the chance of kidney problems? Let me know what you guys think.http://www.showdogsupersite.com/kenlclub/breedvet/neutr.htmlIn addition, if you are going to post a link, please make sure it is from a certified vet or doctor. Not just a group that is going to argue for only one side no matter what.over population is a poor excuse in my opinion. We need to go to the real reason of over population. People are buying dogs without knowing the responsibility of owning a dog. Most people dont buy a dog and just let it roam the streets to impregnate any dog it sees. Most of the dogs that are euthinized (spelled wrong, I know), every year are at the pound becuase people say, "oh look, there is a lab puppy, they are so cute and the most popular dog according to the akc, lets get it". They dont realize that labs are one of the most high energy dogs around and if they dont get the excercise from their owners, they will find another way to get their exercise. Same with all the am staffs and apbt's at the pounds. Very high energy dog that people buy as a puppy and get rid of 4 months later. Spaying dogs is obviously not the answer here, we have been spaying dogs and we still are killing more and more of them every year. We need a different answer to over population in my opinion.Someone asked the question, "What is the reason to not fix our male dogs" There are numerous studies that show it is bad for the health of your male dog to have it fixed, exspecially before 2 years of age in large breed dogs. There are numerous health issues that occur with male dogs that are fixed before 2 years of age. See the site I posted for the list.TO Saphire--I am not educated enough on cats to accurately comment on them. I know though that a lot of cat owners like to let them outside. In this case, I believe you are correct, and fixing is the only choice in this situation.Stephanie--so far you have shown that you know less about dogs then anyone else that has given me an answer. I said absolutely nothing about not wanting to fix male dogs because of the pain they feel. This is a assumption you have made on your own. You know what they say about people who assume. In addition, it is an absolute proven fact now a days that it is MUCH HEALTHIER for your male dog to leave him intact. For female dogs it is much healthier to have them spayed. Just to let you know, boys and girls have different body parts. Not just on the outside, but the inside to. The only thing that fixing a male dog prevents is testicular cancer, which is very, very, rare in dogs and easy to catch. The negative health effects of fixing your male dog is a much longer list, and much more frequently occuring cancer as well. Read the link I left. I could paste 50 links by doctors and vets that say the exact same thing. This info is almost common knowlege now a days.To sclarm--When you say 90% of owners are not responsible enough to keep an intact dog, what do you think they are doing to cause their dog to impregnate other dogs. Are you talking about them buying a female as well and having puppies. If this is what you are talking about, I agee with you but I dont think the number is as high 90% though. What do you think is the answer though, it has been proven that you cant fix male dogs at 12 week of age as this would be extremely unhealthy for them. So would we say, no one can own a dog until it is old enough to be fixed? This obvioulsy isnt the answer. This leads me back to what I have been saying, the problem is the people, not fixing the dogs. Let me know what you think pleaseModelgirl--That is an old myth, roaming is not effected by fixing your dog. How would your dog impregnated other peoples female dogs?? The owner of the male dog would have to let his dog run free at the same time the owner of the female dog would also have to do the same thing, so once again, it comes back to the people, not fixing the dogs.Whitney05---Your "stray dog" story is very unlikely. I understand what you are getting at there but in reality if you are being 100% honest, how many stray dogs have been able to wander in your back yard. In the last 12 years that I have owned my own house, it has never happened to me. If a stray dog can get into your yard, that probally means your dog could get out which means you should be a little more responsible with putting your dog in a secure yard. Talking about prostate cancer, they have now found out that it is the opposite. Fixed male dogs are almost exclusively the only ones getting the highly malignant prostatic cancer. That is the one that will kill your dog and there is little that can be done for it.Whitney05--You are correct about male to male aggression. This is the one thing that fixing your male dog will tone down. It wont make your dog any less active though, if you dog is really energetic before getting fixed, nothing will change in that area after getting fixed. Yes, it will make an aggressive dog less aggressive twords other male dogs though.Additional for Stephanie--Even though testicular cancer is very rare with intact male dogs and us usually benign when it does occur, you said you would rather be safe then sorry. Why dont you have your breasts removed so you dont get breast cancer. There is a much, much, higher chance of a woman getting breast cancer then a fixed dog getting testicular cancer. Wouldnt you rather be safe then sorry??TO honeysadsam--Very good answer. Thank you for answering my question and not attacking it. My comment about the ears and kidneys was aimed at the fact that studies are showing that male dogs need their testicles for their overall health as much as they need their eyes to see or both of their kindeys to function. Looking back at my comment, you are correct about the eyes though, I should have left them out. The kidneys I think are a good example. I suggested removing one kidney because your dog can still live with only one (his body wont work as well) but it cuts down on the risk of having kidney cancer. Same with the testies, your dog can live without them, but he wont live as health of a life. About people breeding who should not be, then I ask what do you believe the answer is? We know we cant fix all dogs between 8-12 weeks old, and we know we cant just say people are not aloud to own puppies. See next paragraph for continuation.How bout how Germany does it, you need to have a liscense to breed and all the dogs you breed have to past a health exam including stuff like good hips, knees, eyes, before you can breed those two dogs. If anyone is found breeding dogs without a liscense, they are punished by the law. I think somehting like this would be great. What do you think??DP--You need to realize that you have been brainwashed. I am not trying to insult you so dont take the word "brainwashed" as an insult. It is just the correct word to describe the way a lot of people think on this subject now a days. I dont want you to even look at the site I posted, go do the research for your self and come back and post an answer. There is tons and tons of new information out there that talks about how testicular cancer in non fixed male dogs is extremely rare and on top of that it is almost always benign. It also talks about how almost all the dogs that are getting the highly malignant prostatic cancer are all fixed males. That is the cancer that will kill your dog. You will also find a laundry list of other health problems that come with fixing your male dog. Ask your vet, my vet just made the switch about 6 months ago. He was always telling me to fix my shepherd and now he told me to be glad i didn't. Expecially not as early as use to be reccomended.Jasmine--It has nothing to due with insecurities, it has to due with the health of male dogs. Please try to learn something about dogs and try to provide some useful information to this question.To gg-A intact male dogs chances of getting testicular cancer are very rare and on top of that it is almost always benign. I will go research the exact numbers and post it, you wont believe how ridiculously small the chances are. In addition, the bad effects fixing your dog has on its health is much greater. Almost all the cases of the highly malignant prostatic cancer are found in fixed male dogs. This is the cancer that will kill your dog and is much more common then testicular cancer and is almost never found in intact males.To Volven--Good answer, and I deffinately agree with you about not just randomly removing my appendix to prevent an infection or to just fix a dog solely for the reason of preventing testicular cancer.Great dane lover--I am not just reading anti-fix literature. There are a lot of studies and vets out their that are saying that they believe there are more health problems from fixing your dog then not fixing your dog. I could sit here and paste every site I have gone to but you can do the same search I have done so I just pasted the last one I read. Is it your opinion on just a stictly health basis, that it is better for your male dog to have him fixed? If yes, then what age would you recomend to have him fixed?To believer--If you read my responses, you will see that I am more then willing to listen to other peoples responses, that is the whole reason I posted this question. That is why I have spent the last hour responding to what people have said. The problem is, most people are saying they should be fixed because of over population. As you can see from my responses, my next question is how to handle the over population by making people fix their dogs because what ever we are doing now, definately is not working. I mentioned maybe doing something along the lines of what germany does. Only liscenced people can breed dogs, and all dogs must pass a health exam before being aloud to breed. What do you think the answer is?? Also, if you read my previous questions, I deffinately dont just choose one of the people that agree with my point of view as the "best answer". I choose who answers the question I ask, doesnt insult everyone, and uses factual information with reference if possible.TO ALL, PART 2 OF THE QUESTIONI have spent a lot of time reading all the positive and negative effects of neutering a male dog. The conclusion I have come to is that anyone can make either argument depending on their view. All the people I read about that are for it, make the information look good for them, just the same as all the people who are against it do. Its impossible to wade through the b.s. to find the truth so lets try this.WHAT DO YOU THINK THE BEST WAY TO DEAL WITH THE OVER POPULATION PROBLEM?? Is a method simular to germanys the answer, where you must have a liscense before you breed and both dogs must pass a health exam. Do you have a different answer, lets hear it!!DONT ANSWER QUESTION 2 HERE, I WILL POST ANOTHER QUESTION SO I CAN KEEP TRACK OF WHATS NEW AND WHATS OLD.TO NOT ME--the fact that you say there are "no" health problem that occur from spaying or neutering your dogs shows that you are being dishonest to try to prove your point. There are absolute proven health problems that occur, any vet would tell you this. The argument is that there are more problems that occur from not fixing your dog, but to say there is not a single health problem at all that occurs from fixing your dog is just plain false.TO BLESSED-We are talking about percentages, not total numbers. With the the ailments I am talking about the fixed dogs have a higher percentage, not just total number. Nice attempt at trying to fool people with word games though. If there are 100,000 fixed dogs and 1000 intact dogs and 80% of the fixed dogs get colan cancer and only 20% of the intact dogs get it, that shows that the fixed dogs have a higher potential for the cancer. I am arguing with the people that support spaying and neutering because I dont agree with them, if I wasnt willing to listen, I would just ignore them completely or respond and not give them a chance to respond back. Its called communication. If I just said one thing and they responded and I said ok I wouldnt get the answer to the other thoughts I had.

      Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog?

      Why do people feel its necassary to tell others they should fix their male dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Why not fix it? Is there any reason not to fix a male dog?Human men need to stop identifying with the genitals of their animals. People need to take the pet overpopulation problem seriously and not add to the misery that the overpopulation causes. It is a sin that over 6 million dogs and cats, puppies and kittens, in the US are euthanized each year due to overpopulation. Perfectly socialized and friendly animals put down through no fault of their own. If you had any choice in it--and you do, by spaying and nuetering your pet--then why would you choose to add to that misery instead of just spaying and nuetering? That does not make sense to me.

    • How do you know that your link is any more scholarly than what we would post. Just because it was apparently written by a vet you shouldn't take it at face value. Don't believe everything you read on the net.

    • im betting ur one of those guys who is against fixing males because it hurts them. well they get over it. the pain goes away. when i fixed my male he was up playing when we brought him home. he acted like he was a baby. he was happy. and how do u know that it hurts the dog. r u a dog. i would rather fix my dog and have no chance of him developing cancer than have him not fixed and have him have a chance of developing it. this is stupid. ur an idiot. many male dogs also settle down when they r fixed. they dont want to run off anymore and find a mate. ur basically saying that it isnt ok to fix males and only females should be fixed. that is like saying only women should have their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy if the couple doesnt want to have a baby. y is it always the woman's responsibility. just like when guys think that the woman should be on birth control so they dont have to carry a condom around when they r on a date. seriously get over it. most people arent responsible enough to own an intact male dog.EDIT: ur also pretty much saying we shouldnt do life saving surgeries on people or animals because they cause pain. honestly i would rather be safe than sorry with my dogEDIT: if u dont want to hear other people's opinions dont post anything its that simple. so far u have proven that ur dumber than a baboon

    • you should have your pet fixed so that he will not crate problems for other dog owners such a getting their dog pregnant or getting into a dog fight over a female in heat. Dogs that aren't fixed roam more, are more aggressive, and can make puppies.

    • Pet overpopulation is really a BIG problem in today's society. There are millions of dogs euthanized because they are unwanted and because of unwanted births. Sometimes, you just can't help that you're dog runs away or it stolen and whatever else. It's not always the humans fault. But, I do agree that it is the pet parent's responsiblity to watch the dog, but you just can't do that 24/7. Dogs will be dogs, and it's a natural instinct. And what about stray dogs? What is a responsible owner supposed to do if a male stray wanders in your yard with your unspayed female? Who's fault is that? The owner of the stray, that could have been a stray for years for various reasons? It really is better for the dog. Neutering male dogs will cut testosterone levels in the dog, which is a good thing if you're dog is a high strung dog. Neutering my male, cut down his aggressiveness a good deal. Neutering early will cut out the excess testosterone.Prostate cancer is another reason.

    • The problem is, a lot of people are not responsible dog owners or ignorant. You can read some of the posts people ask: accidental breeding, is my female pregnant. These people do not do their homework before they mate their dogs (oh, I want my girl to have a litter ...). Thus, they create pet overpopulation. For eyes and kidney, dogs need that for their daily functions. Do dogs really their testicles? They still the same dog after s/n.

    • you can't control everyone else's dogs and it helps calm them down. How do you know that the site you pasted is a legite site and not some byb putting stuff like that on the internet? Unless you know for a fact that no female dog is going to come near your male, he needs to be neutered. What the heck are you talking about removing his eye, that is stupid and has nothing to do with neutering your dog. You also have to realize that not everyone is that responsible with their dogs, my parents dog(female) runs around A LOT. the dog isn't in any danger, however if she wasn't neutered she could very easily get pregnant by some random un-neutered male dog.

    • Overpopulation is one reason. Not everyone is going to be a responsible pet owner. It's a personal choice you make as a pet owner. No one can force someone to fix their dog. All my pets are fixed because I don't want any babies. My dog was adopted from a shelter because her mother was a stray with a huge litter of puppies with no home. I think that's why fixing your pet is such an issue. Too many pets with no homes.

    • I agree! My vet desperatley tried to persuade me to neuter my dalmatian. Even though I don't plan to breed from him as he is partially deaf and has hip dysplasia, I didn't want to run the risk of the op changing his personality as it's fine as it is! They say neutering calms them down, but if my dog were any more laid back he'd be horizontal!Plus, working closely with surgeons, I know the risks of anaesthetics and didn't want to put my dog under a GA unless it was absolutely necessary.

    • I agree with you.The sad thing is, however, MOST people are not responsible.They do not make certain their intact dog doesn't wander and the OTHERS don't make sure their in heat b*tch isn't left alone where a male could get to her.The other day, some TWIT posted she thought her b*tch might be pregnant despite the fact the b*tch had been wearing PANTIES when she was left alone with a male while the Twit was at work. .... just a real bad case of DUH!!EDIT: Good DAWG!! Hasn't ANYONE heard of being responsible FOR YOUR DOGS ACTIONS!!!

    • Didn't bother to read your link... Cause people are generally irresponsible.. They can't figure out how to keep their dog in the yard.. They don't supervise their dogs when they go out.. They can't figure out how to keep their dogs apart in the house when one is in heat. They can't figure out the basics.. They cannot figure out when to go to the vet, when they need to have their dog treated. They would not recognize that there was a problem with their dog or anything else.. How the heck do you expect these people who are irresponsible on a day to day basis to keep their intact males from impregnating all the dogs on the street?? They aren't doing it now, so if you encourage more people to keep their dogs intact the shelter problem gets even worse..Also, Our dogs all get neutered.. so your little links about how it is harder on dogs to be neutered is CRAP... Why risk a dog developing cancer, only to have to have it treated..Removing the eyes so they won't have eye problems?? That is a ridiculous argument.The odds of developing eye problems aren't as great as the problems caused by a dog staying intact..If people had commonsense and used their heads, know how to handle an intact male.. Knew how to stop him from humping them, marking in their house, knew how to handle male dog aggression, and could keep their dogs from escaping and breeding with the rest of the intact dogs.. Then it wouldn't be an issue.. But it's very obvious that people generally cannot do this.. People have no commonsense, they have no sense of responsibility and they cannot afford vet care.. They aren't willing to put up good fences... so People generally NEED to have their dogs spayed / neutered. In Fantasy land, where everyone is perfect and does the right thing.. All those people can leave their dogs intact..Edit : Given that we have been getting our puppies spayed/neutered before they go to homes.. for over 14 years now. And they have not have the mentioned health issues that supposedly go along with spaying/neutering.. The research is BS. I have not been brainwashed.. I have seen first hand that the supposed research is WRONG.. There are no health risks / problems related to spaying and neutering.. I talk to our puppy buyers regularly. There are no health issues related to the dogs being spayed/neutered.. You my friend are the one that has been brainwashed.

    • I think your just guy with a hangup about removing the dogs 'MAN hood.' Get over it, and get over yourself.....The dog will not have the insecurities that you have, so stop worrying about that..

    • You are right. The animal rights activists will always tell you to spay and neuter. If you are responsible and do not let your dog breed willy nilly, it is your right to keep an intact male. Neutering does not calm a dog down totally. Yes, it can remove the extra hormones and might have a little effect, but not a lot. I was at a vet conference a few years ago on behavior. Dr. Allan Leuscher was the main speaker at the conference. When he told these vets that neutering is not the cure for calming down a male, almost every vet there raised their hand and asked him "then what should we tell our clients then when we want them to neuter their puppy? How will we get our money?" Testicular cancer can happen in an intact male, but it is very rare like you say. I have seen one dog with a sertoli cell carcinoma. But, I did see another recently at a dog show, that was being shown in obedience. He did end up with a sertoli cell tumor and he was neutered right away for this. This dog needed one major to finish in AKC when this tumor was found. Neutering will not prevent prostate cancer in a male. You are always going to here the people saying to spay and neuter everything. You will never change their mind. I am sure that I will get a bunch of thumbs down for my answer. By the way, the most dog bites come from neutered males! If these people go to a dog show and see all of the intact dogs there, they will not see a bunch of hard to handle dogs because they are intact.Added: I will also add here, it is true that neutering a large breed dog at a young age will cause the delay of the end of the growth plate in the dog. This causes a male dog to be taller and neutering young will cause a male dog to look as if he has a female looking head!! For example, I have seen a male that was out of my girl that was 24 inches tall and a stud that was 25 inches tall. Both within the breed standard for the German Shepherd. This male dog ended up being almost 30 inches tall, very leggy, narrow, and had a female looking head.

    • Ahem, if this link IS meat to be True. (and i use that very loosely.) Why have not all the vets in this world have come up with the same conclusions. Having a Dog done, also not only stop unwanted puppies ect. But also Prevents Prostrate CANCER. How come this is never highlighted.!! why not the Pro`s for having Dogs done. And believe me i know about Prostrate Problems in Dogs, My dear old dog, had an enlarged Prostrate gland, due to me not having Him done.(at the time little was known about this.) If i had Known i would have had him done and maybe had that bit extra time with him. But he also had a collapsed lung.I made the descion to put him to sleep before Cancer did set in and he suffer. It really Peeves me off, when people jump on the band wagon why this and that should and should not be done for the sake of "So called Animals Lovers."