Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws?

IT's a "Dogs must be on leash" park and all dog owners purposedly ignore it. They think it's their park , i can't do anything when i want to relax or do jugling and these **** dog owners think the dogs are like kids or the owners. I may soon report this…

    Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws?

    IT's a "Dogs must be on leash" park and all dog owners purposedly ignore it. They think it's their park , i can't do anything when i want to relax or do jugling and these **** dog owners think the dogs are like kids or the owners. I may soon report this…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws?...

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    • Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws?

      Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws? General Dog Discussions
      IT's a "Dogs must be on leash" park and all dog owners purposedly ignore it. They think it's their park , i can't do anything when i want to relax or do jugling and these **** dog owners think the dogs are like kids or the owners. I may soon report this to .. i don't even know who. Well anyways if i tell police or the City park company, would they do something about it?

      Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws?

      Would Police or Park Administrators listen to me if I tell dog owners are always violating Park Laws? General Dog Discussions
    • No, everyone let's their take craps everywhere, it isn't killing anyone, it is actually helping the environment. There is probably mountains of nagging requests.

    • the people, the city of the park YES, THEY will do something, they will have to have someone ENFORCE THE leash law. just remember, its NOT the dogs, its the ignorant humans, AS IT ALWAYS IS, when it comes to animals, and youre right, ...they shouldnt think of the dogs as "kids", cus DOGS ARE WAY BETTER THAN KIDS, ...so for the sake of the DOGS, report the ignorant owners.

    • You need to find who is in charge of the park and report it to them. Usually there are message boards in these parks with the phone number listed to call if you have any problems. Usually the state Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of parks should be able to lead you in the right direction.

    • You might be able to get someone to come out and enforce the law for a day, but it likely wouldn't do any long term good. At least around here, the bylaw office is notoriously under-staffed. You'd get some peace for a day or two, but then things would return to normal. I know its not right, but your best bet is to find an area where the dog owners aren't, and go there instead. I'm sure there are some good places.

    • It's a good idea to let the city government know, even though there's not much they can do. Most cities will put in a park supervisor if they can afford it.For now, just keep your dog on a leash to show a good example for the jerks.

    • You could always go to a city council meeting and you having a signed petition from others that feel the same way would help. The Parks Department or Park Police is another avenue but speaking to the people in charge will get you a lot further. The more people you have behind you will make a greater impact. Good Luck and Go for it, your a responsible person and citizen with the right to be heard.

    • Sure, they will listen to you. What they do about it is another story all together. If they are violating a more serious park law (dog not on leash, not picking up waste etc.) it is their job to look into it. However they also can choose the "punishment" per say of the violators. They could give them a warning, issue a citation, ban them from the park etc. It all depends on the violation and if other reports have been made. Good luck!