Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?

I have three children, the youngest is 4 and my husband is a previous dog owner.I have heard that rottweilers are good with kids.

    Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?

    I have three children, the youngest is 4 and my husband is a previous dog owner.I have heard that rottweilers are good with kids....
    General Dog Discussions : Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?...

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    • Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?

      Would a rottwelier make a good first dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have three children, the youngest is 4 and my husband is a previous dog owner.I have heard that rottweilers are good with kids.

      Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?

      Would a rottwelier make a good first dog? General Dog Discussions
    • NO, they are aggressive and could bite your kids. Anything with potential to do that could turn on them. I have a friend who had one bite her face and rip her braces off her teeth. She had to get stitches, etc. Get a dog with a reputation for being friendly such as a lab or shetland collie maybe.

    • it depends on what kind of rottwelier you get. my cousin has one and it is extremely friendly. but most of them are not. I have a golden retriever which is the most friendly around kids/children. be careful what kind of dog you choose with 3 children. keep in touch. -katiee.

    • i personally donl't like rottweilers...i have had boxers all my life... and they are great with children... very protective...good watch dogs. they seem scary, but they are amazingly kind. i now have a yorkie poo, (don't get me wrong i love my puppy) because my boxer recently died 2 years ago... if i had it my way, i would have bought another boxer, but my parents wanted a small dog while i am away at college.

    • I think a Rottweiller is a good first dog of choice.my first dog was a rottweiller as a christmas gift from my friend. I don't have kids so as far as that goes I do not know but from experience.A dog will adapt to it's enviornment, so since you have kids I dont believe you have anything to worry about especially if you get him/her as a puppy

    • Golden Retrievers make great family pets. They are very tolerant of children and are always eager to please. Rottweilers are very aggressive and assertive and take a lot of training to be kept under control.

    • rotts can be if they are socialized as a pup and if you train them correctly. if they are not trained properly then very bad things can happen. if you want a easier dog, get a labrador or golden retriever, they are naturally nice and get along with families.

    • Go find a reputable breeder that can guarantee his dogs would be good with kids and have a good temperament. You still need to bring it to obedience classes and socialize it correctly. Talk to a breeder, finding a good breeder is important no matter what breed you are looking for.

    • my brother had a rottweiler since he was born, one day out of no were he attack my mother, so in my opinion NO they don't make good dogs especially for kids, this dogs are more wild and destroy without notice, I have a 4 year old and I had a dog witch my 4 year loved to play with, but my baby picked on the dog too much, till he got hurt (my 4year old) please be careful with your children get them a more smaller dog, one that even thou he grows old he would not be too big to hurt them or dangerous. take care