What mistake(s) did you make with your dog that you wouldnt make today?

What mistakes have you made as a dog owner that you would not do again? Or could be preventable?

    What mistake(s) did you make with your dog that you wouldnt make today?

    What mistakes have you made as a dog owner that you would not do again? Or could be preventable?...
    General Dog Discussions : What mistake(s) did you make with your dog that you wouldnt make today?...

    • I purchased a dog of a particular breed that I knew nothing about. I had a hard time handling her, training her etc. Thus I produced an unruly animal that has to be leashed at ALL time while in public.With my second dog of the same breed, I knew how to handle them, so he turned out to be the biggest snuggle bunny.The mistake? Buying or adopting a dog I knew NOTHING about. NOTHING.I will not do that again... ever.My second mistake would be producing a litter of puppies the BYB way. Next time I breed, I'm a lot more educated about it... I'll be more discriminate about stud and dam, and make sure they pass health certs and show them to get their titles in conf.

    • I would have given him more attention. I had just got back from my hols and was busy sorting out the house/washing etc. My dog was dying and I didn't even realise. He was quiet, but I just thought he was angry at me for leaving him. I gave him space as he seemed under the weather, but I just expected him to bounce back as usual. I had to have leave him overnight at the vets and then have him put to sleep and although I gave him so much love in his final few minutes, I feel that I really could have given him much more in his final days/weeks/months. I love him so much and although he probably knew that (I hope so) I could have given him more. He will always be my special little lad. I beat myself up every day about what I could have done to make anything in his life better. We had such a special bond, but sometimes housework and things would get on top of me and I didn't play with him as much as I could have, or would sometimes get irritated with him when I was stresed. I regret these things so much and hope he knows how much I truly love him. I will never have another dog like him .

    • When I was 19, I bought a petstore puppy. Of a breed I was TOTALLY unprepared for. At a time when I was NOT a good candidate for dog ownership. Had I been screening me back then, I'd have denied my application. Unfortunately, petstores don't screen homes, and this one didn't care about anything other than getting me to sign a paper that said I wasn't allowed to bring the puppy back for any reason. Yup. I signed it. I eventually found someone better to take the puppy. His life turned out OK. But I got lucky, since I didn't screen that home. Didn't know about it. Now I do, and I try to prevent other potential tragedies from happening by sharing my experiences with others.

    • I've learned the hard way in dog proofing my house. Every puppy I've owned chews or gets into something different. I now know to put my shoes away in a closed closet, hide the trashcan under the sink (both bath and kitchen) and keep dirty clothes in a hamper! ;)

    • I think probably the first time I kept two sisters.. They didn't get along together at all.. I had to end up finding a home for one of them.. I have since kept 2 sisters and started out differently and kept on them and they have been fine.

    • i trained one dog i had to guard the house and me, he took it way to seriously, but it was his nature to begin with i just encouraged it,he was a lab greyhound cross and at 6 months old he would not let anyone near me or the house,unless i said it was alright,i had to beat him to the door when ever my guy came home or there would be a stand off at the door. any one that came near the house was chased off of the property,and he always stoped at the property line.

    • I will NEVER chose a dog from the heart again. I will pick a dog out of practical, logical and as close to the standard guidelines as possible. The "Cute Factor" will not play a part of my decision. Mostly however, the "Sob Story Factor" will make me run.