How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?

My b/f,he's 25, wants a dog/puppy. But he ONLY wants to buy one. I'm a "crazy" person,as he said, for wanting to adopt one. Any tips on how to help him change his mind hopefully? We can take care of whatever we decide to get. It's be…

    How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?

    My b/f,he's 25, wants a dog/puppy. But he ONLY wants to buy one. I'm a "crazy" person,as he said, for wanting to adopt one. Any tips on how to help him change his mind hopefully? We can take care of whatever we decide to get. It's be…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?...

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    • How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?

      How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one? General Dog Discussions
      My b/f,he's 25, wants a dog/puppy. But he ONLY wants to buy one. I'm a "crazy" person,as he said, for wanting to adopt one. Any tips on how to help him change his mind hopefully? We can take care of whatever we decide to get. It's be indoors,walked,played with ect.The actual breed doesn't really matter to him. He just wants a medium/large dog to play with and stuff.He's probably not going to breed it and since we live together it would be partly my dog too.Deadgame: it would also be MY dog too. I'd rather save a dog from death than buy one from someone who wanted puppies and bred them to make a buck.

      How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?

      How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one? General Dog Discussions
    • all rescused or adopted dogs, well most of them are a lot more lyal and respective. they only want to please you.uhm i would just take him to a shelter and one would probably melt his heart :] always happens with me

    • cry...say, ''come on! how would u feel if someone abanded u and u had no home 2 live in?! you've got 2 help me....and the poor little animals...come on! have a heart'' thats what i'd say!help me please?!;_ylt=AmutQoBky0KaggyKgTftHWzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090216213915AA3yuJ4

    • Have him sit down with you and go the ASPCA website, or a humane society website and show him all the animals they have there that no one wants. Maybe you'll hit a sympathy cord, I hope. Tell him that the animals in shelters need home because if they don't they'll get euthanized

    • Go online and check out pictures of animals for adoption. Go to your local shelter to see what they have. He may change his mind when he see's them in person.

    • What is the difference..they all need homes. I suppose that maybe you could tell him that a shelter pup may be put to death. The same could be for the one that he buys if it falls in the wrong hands and ends up in a shelter.

    • advise him that he is supporting puppy mills and back yard breeding..if he wants a pure bred, well, they end up in shelters too. there is also an abundance of breed specific rescues all over the US. take him to a shelter/ rescue. you should see whats out there before deciding anyways.

    • tell him that many of the puppies brought to shelters are purebreds and simply have no one to care for them. plus, dogs that have been in the shelter for a certain period of time and are not adopted are put to sleep. if he cares about dogs at all, that should strike a chord with him.