What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?

I am looking to buy a dog/puppy and I currently live in an apartment. The dog would be alone for maybe about 4-5 hours a day, so I want a breed that doesn't bark that much and would annoy the neighbors while I'm gone. I also want a dog that isn't too…

    What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?

    I am looking to buy a dog/puppy and I currently live in an apartment. The dog would be alone for maybe about 4-5 hours a day, so I want a breed that doesn't bark that much and would annoy the neighbors while I'm gone. I also want a dog that isn't too…...
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?...

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    • What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?

      What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment? General Dog Discussions
      I am looking to buy a dog/puppy and I currently live in an apartment. The dog would be alone for maybe about 4-5 hours a day, so I want a breed that doesn't bark that much and would annoy the neighbors while I'm gone. I also want a dog that isn't too active but not too lazy (medium activity) and medium sized. Suggestions? Any stories from experience? What dogs would you NOT recommend for this situation?Thanks! :)

      What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?

      What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment? General Dog Discussions
    • I have a puggle- (pug beagle) he is alone for a while during the day- he barks sometimes, but all dogs do. he is hyper for short periods of time, then he cuddles and sleeps. he is well trained so he is a great dog- Google image them if you want to see them... sooooo cute!

    • i have a chow mix...we have lived in an apartment since he was 6 weeks old...he is alone for about 8 hours a day and does just fine...the only time that he annoys our neighbors is if we have people working outside the apartment...otherwise he is pretty quite...he is active but not until we get home to walk him...he pretty much sleeps the rest of the day

    • I have a Bichon Frise and a Shih Tzu neither bark much although I don't like to leave them alone, even more so if it's a puppy. They are both low energy, and don't shed. I would try getting and older dog or enrolling your puppy in day care. Good luck:)

    • I have a Pit Bull in my Studio Apartment, and we're fine. She gets her exercise, and is very happy. Her, and the cat and I, all live together nicely :)She's NOT a barker, and she is crated. I must say, GOOD FOR YOU 4-5 hours alone isn't bad at ALL - compared to those who leave their dogs for 8+ hours! (Especially puppies)THat's awesome - I only work 4 hours a day as well.

    • I have a Westie.. They are perfect for apartments. Friendly, loving and never barks unless someone knocks.She's about 13-16 lbs., all white so you can see fleas on her if any jump on for a ride, and VERY SMART. You can train them in no time.Just put aside 20-30 minutes per day for playtime.. And walk them 2-3 times a day if possible. I pee pad trained mine just in case I run late..p.s. The Westie/Maltese mix we have is a high maintenance dog so that's why I recommended the Westie.

    • If there is no weight restriction at the apartment, I'd recommend a labrador. They are content to lay in a corner but will still jump around and play when they get a chance. They have a loud bark, but don't bark often and are never yappy. Unless the apartment requires it or is so small you don't have floor space for a big dog, there really isn't a good reason to favor small dogs for an apartment. The activity level is the main thing to worry about. So get the dog you want. Do check with your apartment first, they often have restrictions on breed and size.When I was in an apartment, I had a shepherd mutt and my roommate had an akita. Both were fine, though my shepherd barked a little too much for an apartment.

    • If you don't want barking don't get a Lhasa,shih tzu, chihuahua.Schnauzers normally have allot of energy. I wouldn't recommend a jack Russel for apartment living.Try a Bull dogge.Research any breed before getting it!!!!!!!! Look in books, on line, talk to vets,shelters,owners of that specific breed etc. Before making a choice.

    • Some of the questions you are asking arent based on breed but the temperment of the actual dog. Every dog is different, therefore every dog will act different in different situations.Smaller breeds are best in apartments due to the room.Also, if you arent active, or wont take it for runs/long walks daily, then an unactive breed would be best (stay away from labs, aussies, ect)It would be good to go with a beagle (although they are alittle more active then some) yorkies, pomeranians, cocker spaniels...Start training from the beginning and crate training would be best.It would also be wise to do your own research into the specific breed you do choose, as its horrible when dogs are given away because the human is not knowledgable about the breed.Puppy training classes are good, especially with your first dog, and be prepare dto house break if it is a young pup.For your situation it would be good ifyou went to a shelter and got an already trained dog who is used to a similar situation that you are offering... its the best of both worlds for you and the dog you would be saving

    • I would recommend a lap/small dog since they don't require much exercise. But I would steer clear of Jack Russells or any other kind of hungting/sports terrier because even though they are small, they are very high energy. And without enough exercise, they can become very destructive (chewing, barking, etc.)The only down side to getting a small dog is that they can't hold their bowels for too long, which means you will have to train them to pee/poop on pads indoors. But 4-5 hours a day is not that long of a time, so I think actually a medium dog of a good temperament would also be good because you can just take it out when you get home. Like I said, stay away from hunting Terriers and also border collies because they all require lots of exercise.When it comes to barking, it usually isn't a problem when the pet is well socialized without any insecurity or attachment issues. Usually incessant barking problems occur because people don't train them right early on. So as long as you train properly and adapt your dog to being alone, barking should not be a problem. Spaniels make great gentle pets, pugs are my personal favorite. But any of the small breeds like yorkies or maltese or even miniature pinschers would be good. Beagles are also a great choice, but if they're not well trained/adapted, they can developed howling/barking problems.

    • I have a pomeranian and she's great in the apartment. They are small dogs and barks a bit (but all dogs do). They are long haired dogs though so something like a beagle might be better. Just make sure whatever dog you get gets plenty of exercise

    • i live in an apartment and i own a german shepherd.what im tring to say is, it doesnt matter what breed you own, it only depends on how much time you can spend walking, excersizing and playing with the dog.good luck.

    • i have a pit bull and a chihuahua, my pt bull cries all day when we are not home and from experience i know that they are too big for an apartment but my chihuahua is wonderful!! he does great when my husband and i are at work. if you like little dogs. btw- beagles bark a lot .

    • A chihuahua, papillon, pug, miniature poodle, or most any toy sized dog would be good for an apartment. However, research the breeds your interested in as not all small dogs are good in apartments. I have two Jack Russell terriers that are small but they have a high energy level. But as long as you exercize your dog and give it a good high quality diet, toys to play with, and lots of love, I'm sure that it will do fine. Most dogs bark because they are bored (unless they hear a noise or a stranger, etc.) so keep your dog happy and he should be quiet.:)