What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?

I am looking to buy a dog/puppy and I currently live in an apartment. The dog would be alone for maybe about 4-5 hours a day, so I want a breed that doesn't bark that much and would annoy the neighbors while I'm gone. I also want a dog that isn't too…

    What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?

    I am looking to buy a dog/puppy and I currently live in an apartment. The dog would be alone for maybe about 4-5 hours a day, so I want a breed that doesn't bark that much and would annoy the neighbors while I'm gone. I also want a dog that isn't too…...
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of dog breed to you think would work best living in an apartment?...

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    • I recommend getting a dog about 20 pounds or less. One that is older so that you know if they're going to be a barker or not and they can be left alone longer than 2 hours and don't have that crazy puppy energy for the next year or two. So, a dog that's probably 3 years old or older would be perfect. You probably won't find a puppy that won't cry when left alone or that will not have puppy energy and want to run and play when not sleeping. Recommended breeds/mixes: ShihTzu, Lhasa Apso, Chihuahua, Maltese, Havanese, Poodle, Pekinese, Chin, etc... NOT recommended for apartments: Sheltie (barking), Beagle (howling), MinPin (high energy), Jack Russel (high energy), Border Collie (high energy), Dachshund (barking)Any of the lap-dog breeds (or mixes thereof) would be good. Working dogs...hunters and herders especially...can be too high energy and barkers/howlers. See link below for a list of dogs good for apartments.Dogs are individuals....You could have a calm Border Collie or a crazy hyper Maltese. So, the breed description is just a generalization about MOST of the dogs in that breed. The best way to get a dog that fits your description is to adopt from a rescue that uses foster homes. That way, you can ask specifically for a small-medium dog with small-medium energy, that is ok being left alone for x amount of hours/day, not a yapper, and is good with people...etc... In a foster home, dogs are evaluated in a home environment. There are thousands of dogs in situations like that to choose from! It's a win-win situation :)

    • I think maltese: non-shedding, could be couch potatos and no-home-destructive but also enjoy walking outside or playing indoors, and if well educated they don't bark a lot.I wouldn't reccomend a JRT nor a beagle, they need more space and activities and even if they're small they can be really destructive when bored.

    • A mature dog from the a shelter or rescue is a good bet in this situation. The have usually begun to calm down and are started on training. Rescue dogs have also known how bad it can be and are usually quickly grateful and loving. This is a good time frame for leaving a dog alone as they will sleep for this much of the day once they feel secure. It is not so much the breed as the individual personality of the dog and the volunteers will be able to help you choose based on your lifestyle. Also, your $ will cover the first vaccinations and sterilization and sometimes a microchip &you will have a good start on the vet bills. Try your local animal shelter or look on petfinder.com Best of Luck!

    • I saw that someone recommended a lab -no, no, no!!! I have a lab and they can be insane, especially when young!! They need lots and lots of exersize, and when in their wild moods can tear the place apart. I love my lab with all my heart, but she didn't calm down till she was 6or7 years old. How about just a mixed breed? I've had lots of dogs and the mixed breeds were always the healthiest and the smartest.

    • okay well first thing...no one can tell you what kind of dog would be the "best" to live in an apartment. All dogs regardless of size, color or breed are going to be different. Alot depends on the owner and such. I live in an apartment and I have four cats and a Yorkshire Terrier... I have heard that they dont get along with cats...mine does.. I have heard that the are "yappy" dogs...mines not....he doesnt bark EVER..he wines a bit when we leave the house but only for a minute or two. And he is NOT de-barked! So, I would suggest that you go down to your local shelter and visit some dogs...possibly go back the next day and the next day to see what kind of dog would suit YOU the best. Or even check into local rescue groups and explain your situation...alot of them will let you do a "try-out" with different dogs to find the one that suits YOU the best. Good luck!

    • I would Have to say a Pug, They are kinda lazy but active too. They love to be petted And they are easy to potty train and they are good with being alone by them selves. They are also very very cute!!! But they shed!!They are not yappy and they act like they are gaurd dogsIt is funny to see them bark at something cuz they think they are all big and bad!!!