What dog should I get for my retired dad?

My dad has retired and he's bored (whist mum is still working). I'd like to get him a dog/puppy, preferably one with short hair (easier grooming). A dog that needs walking, but not too much and not to hard to train.We prefer small to medium sized dogs…

    What dog should I get for my retired dad?

    My dad has retired and he's bored (whist mum is still working). I'd like to get him a dog/puppy, preferably one with short hair (easier grooming). A dog that needs walking, but not too much and not to hard to train.We prefer small to medium sized dogs…...
    General Dog Discussions : What dog should I get for my retired dad?...

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    • Well for the easily trained and short hair part, Dobermans are very good. They are considered large or medium dogs i believe. They are good protectors as you know! They do need alot of exercise, but if you have a fenced in yard, you can just let the dog roam out back and take it on walks every couple times a week. As lond as you have a good shelter for it outside, this dog could live in a doghouse! Good Luck finding the right dog!

    • Jack Russell's have great personalities, but are HIGH maintenance. Require lots of discipline and exercise. Look into a Boston Terrier. They are a good combo. They have a big dog personality in a smaller body. My neighbor is retired and has one. They are best friends and his dog, Rascal, is SOOOOOOOOOO smart! Beagles are great, but they can bark a lot, and if they get out, they are gone, because they pick up a scent and keep on going! Good Luck!

    • Miniature Schnauzers make great pets. Their small, short haired and easy to train. After my grandma retired i bought her one for companionship and she loves it!! Their smart, playful, and love their owners. They also love to walking and cuddling with their owners. GOOD LUCK!!

    • First and foremost make sure your family is willing and financially able to properly care for the dog and that they want one. Go to dogbreedinfo.com and answer the questions regarding size temperament and grooming needs etc and they will give you a list of appropriate dogs. You can then research each breed you are interested in and make an informed choice.

    • I would not recommend any small dog to sleep outside. But, if it were going to be an inside dog, I would recommend a smooth coat daschund. They are super smart, cute as a button, and protective. Not to mention very little grooming, and extremely loyal. My second choice would be a poodle, the medium sized. There is more grooming involved, but they don't shed.

    • I agree with the responses regarding not getting a dog without him knowing, but my opinion of the best breeds would be Maltese or Bichon due to their smaller size, low shedding, and love of people. They will require grooming though, prob around $30-40 each visit, or do it himself. As far as sleeping outside- not advised. And Jack Russell- yikes! They are extremely excited and hyper 24/7. They are major ADHD dogs. I'd never own one. Maybe get a westie? (west highland terrier)

    • Poodle, Poodle, Poodle!!!! Please get one from a shelter, if possible, a rescue. They don't shed, they are great companions, and so easy to take vare of. Bil-Jac dog food is very good, as their main food, you can find it at the grocery store in the freezer section. lasts a long time, too. They need the vitamins from it to keep them healthy. They also love it!!

    • Have Dad go with you to the shelter/pound and then you'll know for sure he is getting the one he wants. Good dogs don't have to be purebred, you can find really great dogs at a shelter and feel good about it, knowing you have saved the life of a loving animal. So take Dad with you.

    • well i personally love pitbulls and boxers....but i would think a pitbull is too crazy for your dad lol so i wuld go with a puppy boxer would be great...they are very good for walking and very smart... Hope you find a good 1 =)

    • No companion dog should sleep outside...please don't do that to the creature that is counting on you for love and comfort. Many shelter dogs would fit your criteria and be great pets! Just take a look at the older, already trained dogs available and see what calls to him!

    • Get him a mixed terrier or silky terrier. I have one silky and it is an ideal dog for elder and young people alike. I hope you enjoy good company as they are faithful and loving dogs.

    • A corgi, they love too cuddle. They don't go out as often. They run off for any exercises.They always come back. They don't chew up anything. And they love people.

    • The best thing to do is go to your local animal shelter. They can match you up with a dog that matches what you need.It will be perfect for your dad and it might be already trained, which most likely it will be