How do you stop a dog barking all the time?

Hi,My dog won't stop barking at cars, bikes..everything really. It's becoming a bit of a nuisance for us and our neighbours.Can anyone recommend a good dog training manual, guide or offer some suggestions themselves.Someone recommended this dog training…

    How do you stop a dog barking all the time?

    Hi,My dog won't stop barking at cars, bikes..everything really. It's becoming a bit of a nuisance for us and our neighbours.Can anyone recommend a good dog training manual, guide or offer some suggestions themselves.Someone recommended this dog training…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do you stop a dog barking all the time?...

    • How do you stop a dog barking all the time?

      How do you stop a dog barking all the time? Dogs Training Discussions
      Hi,My dog won't stop barking at cars, bikes..everything really. It's becoming a bit of a nuisance for us and our neighbours.Can anyone recommend a good dog training manual, guide or offer some suggestions themselves.Someone recommended this dog training course by Daniel Stevens; anyone used it and is it any good? I'm always a bit skeptical of all those great testimonials...even with the pictures.Cheers.

      How do you stop a dog barking all the time?

      How do you stop a dog barking all the time? Dogs Training Discussions
    • My vet told me there is just certain colors an people the just doesnt like for examplepizza guy- because he carries a red pouch-my dog hates red.UPS-Cause its a big loud truck.When you find out the source of his barking then maybe you can attend some puppy obedience classes.

    • Your first mistake is buying a dog for feeding.I don't like them.They are very frightining....But,You bought it so You must deal with this problem of course..You should teach it slowly,so you must be very very calm and patient...GOOD LUCK!!!

    • The best way to teach your dog not to bark is to teach him/her to bark on command "speak" when you then teach him/her to be quiet on command than when he she barks u can say "quiet " or which ever command u would use and will hopefully stop he/she from barkingAnd remember positive re-enforcement works better than belting the dog... and DO NOT resort to anti bark or shock collars as they are inhumane and shouldn't be on the market...hope that helps (",)

    • Iv just signed up for the free news letter so i will see how the tips go whats in them as i have this problem with my 2 german shepherd dogs and my brothers jack russel who im looking after i do know its boredom with some dogs tho why they bark

    • I have a jack russell who liked to go outside late at night just to have a bark. I bought an anti-bark collar off ebay. it doesnt give an electric shock just makes a high pitched noise when the dog barks. My dog wore it for a few nights and then stopped barking. Now he knows what the collar is for and i dont even have to turn it on,,, just put it on him and let him out.

    • My friend brought this DVD from ebay that trains dogs to get used to tons of noises - like fireworks, trains, cars, babys crying, doors slamming.... the list was pretty endless! It plays the noises quietly then it gets gradually louder, its supposed to be really effective.You could try it out.

    • your problem really by a large extent depends on the breed of dog. Some toy dog breeds such as pomeranians will bark no matter what, it may be just the breed. However you can try to lessen it by allowing your dog to know through one word commands that you dont want him to do it.

    • Many dogs bark out of sheer boredom from not much interaction with their 'family'. Try letting him in the house more, or at least playing very hard daily with him - enough to make him too tired to bark.