How can I make the dog bath easier for him?

I know dogs don't like water but there must be some way to make it easier for them.As dogs should he dislikes water and becomes extremely difficult. This is my first dog so I do not know very much on dog training (giving the dog a bath). So, if you guys…

    How can I make the dog bath easier for him?

    I know dogs don't like water but there must be some way to make it easier for them.As dogs should he dislikes water and becomes extremely difficult. This is my first dog so I do not know very much on dog training (giving the dog a bath). So, if you guys…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I make the dog bath easier for him?...

    • How can I make the dog bath easier for him?

      How can I make the dog bath easier for him? Dogs Training Discussions
      I know dogs don't like water but there must be some way to make it easier for them.As dogs should he dislikes water and becomes extremely difficult. This is my first dog so I do not know very much on dog training (giving the dog a bath). So, if you guys have tips please help me. Thanks:-)

      How can I make the dog bath easier for him?

      How can I make the dog bath easier for him? Dogs Training Discussions
    • If you're doing it outside, you use your leash to time him to something, and then use a scrub brush to wash him (so it is like you're petting him), and be as quick as possible.

    • You didn't say how old the dog is. What kind of climate you're in either.If you're in a cold climate...ease him going into the water...actually, use the shower...warm climate ...bathe the dog outside and if you have a backyard...make it a play time...give him treats and his toys to fetch

    • i just make sure that when i bath my dog i keep distracting her with lots of praise and treats. she likes swimming, buts she's not so keen on the shower head! ha ha bless, when you bath them they do shake a bit but he'll be ok as long as you keep the temperature right and don't spend too long in bathing them cos they get cold. make sure you have plenty of warm towels handy and for the first couple of times you might want to get someone to help you so the dog doesn't jump out of the bath and to keep feeding them treats! hope that helps, he'll soon smell great again.

    • The majority of dogs only need a bath once or twice a year, unless there is a medical condition, it's rolled in something, they are being shown, or are visiting nursing homes. A lot of people who give their dogs daily, weekly or monthly baths are on power trips. If you give your dog a daily brushing, odors will be minimized. However, if someone is bound and determined to give their dog a bath, at least make it easy on them by giving a waterless one. Here's the link:

    • Lots of dogs like water, most don't like baths. Is your dog big or little?,make sure that the water is warm enough, but not hot. wash his face with baby shampoo, and a washcloth to avoid getting stuff in his eyes/ ears. Don't stress, talk calmly and firmly, and praise allot, but not when he is doing the wrong things. Praise as soon as he does what you want. tell him no when he misbehaves. Ask a local groomer to let you help her for a while one day, she will teach you much in the art of bathing, lol. Mostly just stand firm.

    • First, many dogs LOVE water! So remove that thought from your head. Yes, some like getting a bath better than others, just like people!Make it easier for yourself and it will be easier for the dog because you won't get upset, it will go more smooth and won't take as long. After the bath, make a big fuss about the drying off and playing with the doggie bath towel. Nearly every dog loves have the towel rubbed on them to get dry.Probably the easiest thing you can do if you don't have one already is get a hand held shower. They work just fine for everyday showering and are a huge help when giving a pet a bath. And they help a lot for just cleaning the tub and shower in general! You don't have to get an expensive one, but I wouldn't buy the cheapest one either. Don't waste your money on those things that slip over the faucet with a hose and a sprayer head and are made of rubber. They just blow/pop off and always at the worst time.Have all your supplies at the ready so you don't have to go looking for something in the middle of the bath. Be firm but speak in calm tones. Have the water gently warm and the water pressure in the middle range, not too hard but not too soft or it will take forever to rinse the shampoo out. Start at the back of the head with the water, wetting down the coat as you work back. I usually take an old washcloth that's damp and wash their faces, check the ears for dirt and so forth. When the coat is thoroughly wet, start shampooing at the back of the head and work all around the neck, making a collar of suds. This is especially important if fleas are an issue. The little buggers run for high ground (the head) and the suds collar will stop that. Just keep working your way back and down around the belly and all that. Then rinse well, massaging the coat around to make sure all the shampoo is rinsed out. Then take your hand and run it over the dog with a little down pressure to help squeeze the water out. Then start with the towels. A small dog you can wrap up, a big dog you'll need to rub and blot as best you can. If it's warmish, I just take my large dogs outside through the outside door in the bath and let them dry off in the grass. My toy dog loves being wrapped up and babied so that's what she gets. I give all three of mine a bath with minimal assistance; hubby has to help the big, old guy get in and out of the tub. He loves a bath, I think the warm water feels good to him. The middle dog hates it but knows she has to put up with it to get a goodie after. And the little one loves them too! She even holds her foot up so you wash it.If you approach the situation with negative thoughts and vibes they sense this. Best for you to be calm, firm and confident.

    • I feel for ya,my poms used to hate bathtime. Put your dog in the bath and the whole time your washing him talk soothingly. Tell him what a good boy he is and how brave he is being. Take him out give him a good towel drying. Then a treat. If he doesent like his bath he probably never will but at least this will make it a little easier on him.

    • what i do is i have a treat with me and makes him try to get it make sure he or she can smell it and they will try to get it so the treat will take there mind off the bath. hoped this helped love chelsea and prescott