What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her?

Unfoutanely I don't have a dog because I recently relocated, I want to get a french <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=11f130c9f487c2dc06e34f4ce06152514329313b">bulldog</a> or an english <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=11f130c9f487c2dc06e34f4ce06152514329313b">bulldog</a>. I think they are cute and the right size for where I live now.I have always adopted my daogs/ or cats from shelters or animal rescue…

    What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her?

    Unfoutanely I don't have a dog because I recently relocated, I want to get a french <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=11f130c9f487c2dc06e34f4ce06152514329313b">bulldog</a> or an english <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=11f130c9f487c2dc06e34f4ce06152514329313b">bulldog</a>. I think they are cute and the right size for where I live now.I have always adopted my daogs/ or cats from shelters or animal rescue…...
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her?...

    • What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her?

      What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her? General Dog Discussions
      Unfoutanely I don't have a dog because I recently relocated, I want to get a french bulldog or an english bulldog. I think they are cute and the right size for where I live now.I have always adopted my daogs/ or cats from shelters or animal rescue places. With the one exception of a chinchilla I owned. I plan to keep adopting. I don't mind mixed dogs either.

      What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her?

      What kind of dog do you have and why did you choose him/or her? General Dog Discussions
    • I used to have a beagle/dachshund mix, but now that I moved I don't have him anymore. : ( Anyway, but I really wanted a purebred dachshund or a mini dachshund. I also like Huskies but they are bigger than bulldogs and they shed much more. I like most kinds of dogs but those are my favorite. Good luck finding a new pet! Or you could check out your local SPCA and give a needy dog a home. That's always nice and you never know what they have.

    • I have 4 dogs - 2 purebred cocker spaniels and 2 cocker mixes. I chose the original cocker (she's 15 now) because she was cute and small - right for the apartment I had at the time. I didn't really choose the second cocker.... he desperately needed a "temportary" home - so I am fostering him (6 months now) for a friend. I chose the last 2 because I am a nut and they were shelter puppies who needed a home and shouldn't be too big:) Just remember this is a long term commitment - so research the breeds and compare to your long term plans:) Good luck and enjoy - nothing better than a dog for a best friend!

    • We adopted an Italian Greyhound, which is basically a miniature greyhound. He's just slightly larger than a house cat. We've had him almost 4 years and he is an awesome dog. The biggest reason we got him is that my wife is allergic to dogs, however, this certain type of dog doesn't have "dander" like most dogs, so it doesn't bother her.

    • I love dogs. I have owned several different breeds - boder collie mix, husky mix, great dane, labs, chow, mutes, - each dog has its own personality. As long as you show love, feed and water them daily, talk to them, and spend time with them they will love you in return. I don't really call my dogs pets but my children. I love each and every one of them. Good luck in what every breed you choose.

    • I have a black and white, Beagle/Terrier mix named Oreo. I got her from the pound when she was about one month old (she's 5 years old now). I choose her because she was in a cage (with what looked like her other brothers and sisters) and they were jumping all over her. She was so cute, and I knew then that she was the one! She was actually a birthday gift from my cousin, but Oreo didn't like my cousin at all and bonded to me instantly. We've been inseparable every since! I love my BABYOREO!!!!

    • we went to the local animal welfare and adopted a dog. we researched different breeds to get a loose idea what would work best as far (as temperament for our family), and the time that we would spend with our pet. we took the kids along to the shelter and our pup chose us.now a year and a half later, our silly pup has a happy family and all is well!keep in mind with the breed you are considering the slobber effect. it doesn't bother some owners, but my brother has one~ and now that the puppy stage has passed, the lower jaw is protruding and the drooling has begun in earnest!!! again, it doesn't bother some people, but make sure you talk to people who own the breed you are considering so you know the type of skin diseases they are prone to as well. good luck!

    • I feel that I have to represent for the large breeds, so...I have a bloodhound mix that was rescued from the pound the day before he was going to be put down. We chose him because he seemed to have a sweet, easygoing temperment. He has been a wonderful dog: happy, mellow, a little bit shy, and very affectionate but not overly demonstrative.We also have a Black & Tan Coonhound. He's pure-bred but was a stray that was brought into the animal shelter where I adopted him. We chose him because we already knew that we loved the hound breeds and already had experience in the care and training of hounds, and he's an excellent example of his kind: very sweet, even-tempered, laid-back and excellent with other dogs and people. Please don't just choose a dog breed for looks. Pay attention to temperment and how that dog's temper is going to fit in with your life and your own temperment. There are lots of mixed breed dogs with lovely personalities that go homeless because people get fixated on one kind of "cute" dog.

    • I have a pitbull terrier who was dumped at our farm. She's fantastic and a great embassador for the breed. They are NOT guard dogs. They are small (everything out there over 50 lb. is NOT a pitubll but rather someting mixed w/ a mastiff or something else). They are extremely loyal and the best dog w/ children. According to the AKC they are the LEAST likely dog breed to bite a human! They have gotten a very bad reputation in the media, and unfortunately, 75% of the dogs the media says are "pitbulls" are not infact a pitbull, but some other breed of dog. You couldn't ask for a better breed (that is unless you live where it's cold, but my pitbull b/c a coat on is a very funny sight)

    • I have 2 dogs. One is spaniel/sheltie/border collie cross (Hallie). I saw a sign in pet store for a free dog and that was 9 years ago and we still have her. The owners were going to have to put down as she bit the children when they pulled her tail. She hated kids (I wonder why) for a few years but is so much better now. The other dog is a Yorkshire Terror (lol) pup named Yoda. A friend was going on vacation and her puppy sitter canceled at the last minute so I volunteered to keep the 2 pups for the week. Well, I fell in love with Yoda and now have just one of the two. I don't think my sanity would still be with me if I'd taken both. Dogs are wonderful...so full of love and wanting to please. When the whole world seems against you they're always there so glad to see you no matter what.