Would a dachshund and great dane do well together?

My fiance and I have a miniature dachshund, Henry, who is about 14 months old. My fiance wants to get a great dane puppy within the next year and a half or so. My concern is the vast difference in height and weight, but I do know that great danes are…

    Would a dachshund and great dane do well together?

    My fiance and I have a miniature dachshund, Henry, who is about 14 months old. My fiance wants to get a great dane puppy within the next year and a half or so. My concern is the vast difference in height and weight, but I do know that great danes are…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would a dachshund and great dane do well together?...

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    • Would a dachshund and great dane do well together?

      Would a dachshund and great dane do well together? General Dog Discussions
      My fiance and I have a miniature dachshund, Henry, who is about 14 months old. My fiance wants to get a great dane puppy within the next year and a half or so. My concern is the vast difference in height and weight, but I do know that great danes are considered "gentle giants." Does anyone have experience with great danes and smaller breeds of dogs? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

      Would a dachshund and great dane do well together?

      Would a dachshund and great dane do well together? General Dog Discussions
    • I would be concerned about play time. You'd have to watch the two whenever they'd be together and separate them when you couldn't be around. There's a great chance of an accident happening to the Dachshund when the Great Dane pup steps on it or plays just slightly too rough.

    • i have a choc. lab and a bichon frise and they get along so well. they are best buds!!! i think u should get the great dane . but if u get another male - get him neutered so they dont get dominant - your daschund might get that way if both of them weren't neutered at a young age.

    • There should be no problems with having two different size of dogs. I have three dachshunds and they are great dogs to have. I am sure as long as they can become friends then they can be friends for life. Most times when there are two different size of dogs in the home the bigger dog looks out for the smaller dog. I have never had a great dane but I did have another dog that was bigger than my dachshund and they both got along great. I don't remember what breed he was. We had to give him away because of where we were living.

    • This is a concern I deal with a lot, being a volunteer for dog rescue. I have different size dogs in my home often, and I have a dog who is a larger size. You will always need to assess the situation based on the personalities of both dog. If things seem to be going fine, then they probably will be! It will be helpul that you get a great dane pup, and can train him from the beginning, as to what behaviors are OK when it comes to Henry, and what behaviors are not. I will say to crate train both dogs so if you need to seperate them, you can. Make sure you give Henry pleanty of attention when your new pup arrives. It is natural to be concerned that the larger dog will hurt the smaller. Henry could be the source of problems however, if you don't make sure he feels special when the new dog arrives. Typically after I get a foster dog settled (bathed, fed, etc), I crate he/she so they can relax and calm down from their trip, and until the following day, I don't give them attention when I let them out. This helps my dog know he's still important, and helps reduce the jealousy factor. If Henry feels he has to compete for your attention, he may start bad behaviors and the new pup may follow along. The best way to have harmony, is to have two dogs that are both well trained and know that you are the boss. If play gets too rough, or a behavior is unacceptable, having dogs that know the meaning of the word NO will come in quite handy!

    • I own a 5month old female great dane, and two small dogs... Chihuahua and Pom/Maltese mix and they get along great!! All three are like bestfriends. My great dane has learned to watch out for them and they've learned to watch out for her!! So far she hasn't hurt either one and is extremely easy with both of them. She's also very gentle with little kids.Here's a picture of all three of mine playing, although my little white puppy turned and ran as soon as I took the picture!http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc288/KistyJo/Pictures6020.jpg

    • You are right to be concerned! I absolutely would not recommend having two dogs that vary so greatly in size, especially if you want to start with a Great Dane puppy. If you wanted to adopt a senior Dane, I might not be so opposed. "Gentle Giants" is a bit of a misnomer. Don't get me wrong, I love Danes and will always own Danes, but they are rambunctious and full of energy as pups. Plus, because they mature so slowly, their puppy stage often lasts for two years. Right now I have a 9 month old Dane. She has no concept of her size. Her daycare has to be very careful about who they let her play with because she plays so rough. She doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body, she is just 100% playful puppy. I also have to admit that she is the wildest Dane I have ever had, so you could get really lucky and get a super mellow Dane pup. However, I don't think they really exist. The breeder of my Dane pup has 5 Danes and a Parson Russell Terrier (PRT). The PRT recently had to have surgery to have his shattered front leg put back together because he got in the middle of some rough Dane play and ended up flying across the room. Things happen fast and even though you might say to yourself that you'd monitor every minute of their play, stuff happens in the blink of an eye.I think most Dane breeders would agree with me that it is not a good idea to have breeds from both ends of the size spectrum in the same household.Well, that's my two cents. Good luck with your decision. If you do decide to get a Dane, please do your homework and get a pup from a reputable breeder. You always get what you pay for.