What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster?

I have a hmaster named Izzy what are some fun activities i can do with her? Thx!

    What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster?

    I have a hmaster named Izzy what are some fun activities i can do with her? Thx!...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster?...

    • What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster?

      What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster? Dogs Training Discussions
      I have a hmaster named Izzy what are some fun activities i can do with her? Thx!

      What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster?

      What are some fun activities I can do with my hamster? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Well you can put her in her run around ball, and watch her explore. You could make mazes out of cardboard boxes, and put her in there, or there are also some plastic mazes at the pet shop. I like to put my hamster on my bed, and then sort of mess up the blanket, and watch him run through the tunnels that he can find. Another popular one is to make an obstacle course out of various things for him/her. Try making a club house, or something out of cardboard boxes with multiple levels. I have heard about people buying/ making teeter totters for their hamster, but I've never tried it. Umm... you can buy a playpen at the pet shop, or just get a bigger cardboard box and layer it with paper, or a towel, and put some of its toys in there, and watch him/her play. Yeah, that's all I've got for right now, but you can go to google, and type in ' homemade hamster toys' and you'll get a number of ideas. Have fun! :)

    • do any of your friends have hammys? if so then scedule a hammy playdate or make them get married, its so much fun!!!!!! or have a owner on pet picnic, they love fruit and veggies, but go to hammyworld.com because some fruits are bad, hammyworld.com can help with everything, to keep them healthy!!! HAVE FUN WITH YOUR LITTLE PRECIOUS ANGEL!!!!!!!