What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks?

I have a small chiawawa dog & have noticed some fleas on him. I only want something organic or home remedy. Thanks!

    What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks?

    I have a small chiawawa dog & have noticed some fleas on him. I only want something organic or home remedy. Thanks!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks?...

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    • What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks?

      What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a small chiawawa dog & have noticed some fleas on him. I only want something organic or home remedy. Thanks!

      What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks?

      What is the best Home Remedy to use on dogs for fleas & ticks? Other Pet Discussions
    • sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there isn't anything natural or organic that will help. Washing every 3-5 days won't do anything because the eggs will continue to hatch and then the adults will just lay more eggs, and the fleas can still live off of the host (say in your carpet) for 48 hours. Frontline is the best, it kills live fleas and eggs, and also prevents from future infestations. It needs to be applied every 30 days. Good luck!

    • this is going to take a lot of time, but you can start to pick out the ticks and fleas. Every time you pick one out, swab it the fur where you picked it out with tea tree oil. He will hate the smell of tea tree oil but it kills the eggs in his fur.You will have to do it everyday for as long as you see the ticks/fleas/lice on him.

    • Use Head and Shoulders shampoo on him. Right when you lather (put) the shampoo on him and spread it around...the fleas will die right away. Make sure the shampoo has bubbles when you spread it around. Good Luck! http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=head+and+shoulders&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7ACGW_enUS339US339&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2157873228708389493&sa=X&ei=pTntTeSILOL50gGuvoGnAQ&ved=0CEsQ8gIwAw#

    • Be very careful what you do use as quite a lot of people tend to advise certain things that are toxic to dogs in certain quantities and that changes with every dog breed/size. For example some people recommend using a clove of garlic but that could be fatal to sucha a small dog. A Chihuahua will need much smaller doses...Also consider treating him for worms as Fleas can carry the tapeworm egg and if ingested he will be infested...Good Luck and be safe!

    • rub some fresh mint over his body everyday and put some in places where he sleeps and change them every 2/3 days .daily ,use a vacuum cleaner to clean his corner ;) u can give the dog a bath with some withe vinegar in the water every 5 day . the poor thing will have dry skin but u will see the fleas floating in the bath while u brush him ;) gl

    • we put front line on our dog and it didn't work at all we had to give him a bath everyday utill the front line went on and it said to wait on the bath and it didn't work so we put another dose on him and that didn't work and then another before long he had a 3 months supply on him for two weeks. FRONT LINE dint work.maybe not for us because we have sand flees but it dint work dint waste your moneyLiquid gold my a**

    • There is a natural alternative to the harsh and harmful chemical based flea and tick repellents. NATURAL FLEA, TICK AND MOSQUITO REMEDY FOR DOGS kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes for up to four weeks, yet it’s safe to use on your dog and around your family. It uses the natural power of essential oils which are well known for their highly effective defense mechanisms against potentially harmful insects. One bottle lasts you up to 9 months.There is another great product called DIATOMACEOUS EARTH FOR FLEA AND TICK CONTROL ON PETS. Diatomaceous Earth for Flea and Tick Control is natural, nontoxic, totally organic and safe with no harm to the environment, pets or to people. Diatomaceous Earth is an all-natural flea control remedy that works to dehydrate adult fleas. When applied to the animal's environment, as well as the animal itself, it is as effective as chemical alternatives. Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized remains of a type of hard-shelled algae called diatoms. While Diatomaceous Earth is generally safe for humans and animals, it is lethal when it comes to insects. Its sharp edges cut into the waxy outer layer of fleas, ticks and other insects causing them to dehydrate and eventually die. DIATOMACEOUS EARTH FOR FLEA AND TICK CONTROL ON PETS is also very effective against any type of worms, lice, mites and other pests.To read more about it you can go on the links below. It shows you some products and informations to it.