how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas?

i want to know to so that i can buy the proper medication. i think some anti flea products don't work well on ticks and vice versa.

    how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas?

    i want to know to so that i can buy the proper medication. i think some anti flea products don't work well on ticks and vice versa....
    Other Pet Discussions : how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas?...

    • how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas?

      how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas? Other Pet Discussions
      i want to know to so that i can buy the proper medication. i think some anti flea products don't work well on ticks and vice versa.

      how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas?

      how do yo know if your dog has ticks or has fleas? Other Pet Discussions
    • frontline works great for both of them. you can purchase it at your vet. there your vet, often at no charge, will let you know if your dog has fleas or ticks. ticks often engorge themselves on the blood and can easily be seen. fleas if not a large number of them are harder to see. your vet will help you pick the right medication for your pet.

    • there is a flea and tick combo you can get. you need to go to the vets for the best medication for your dog. the stuff from the vets is stronger and works much better than the stuff you get from the supermarkets. there is a combo one you can get and its jsut as easy as a few drops on the back of the kneck.

    • If you inspect the area where your dog scratches, fleas and ticks look very different from each other. Fleas are little black insects the size of a sesame seed that crawl and jump around the skin. Ticks are small brownish colored insects the size of a small kernel of corn.

    • Ticks are large and often live between the toes. They look like fat ugly things that are almost as big as a corn kernel.Fleas are tiny black things that you can hardly see - almost as small as a speck of black pepper.I use a product with Selamectin (use Google to learn more).

    • You are correct when you say that flea products dont work well on ticks and vice versa. you will know if your dog has fleas as they will be scratching themselves. They do this cause the fleas bite them - the same as headlice on humans.Ticks - as far as I know if you live in a tick prone area you need to check them for ticks. I have been told that you can do this by rubbing them and feeling for lumps. However not al areas suffer from ticks. They are mostly in areas where it is wet, damp/cold. If you go to your vet and ask them they will be able to tell you what you need. From time to time I buy flea stuff for my 2 dogs from the super market and it doesn't seem to work as good any way.Hope this helps....

    • Frontline is great because you can treat them every 4-6 weeks and it stays in their blood for that long. If fleas and ticks jump on your kid they will be dead the minute they bite your dog. I treat my dogs year around, but its recommended to do it during the summer months or when it gets warm in your area. If i suspect that my dogs may have fleas or ticks (since my dogs are black) i treat them anyway.Fleas are flat little insects that jump. In severe cases, you can get bit by a flea. They are extremely hard to get rid of if you use the wrong medication, thats why i suggest frontline. I have my own animal rescue and volunteer at the local animal shelter. They treat all of their dogs there with frontline and it really helps!