What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks?

I have found at least three ticks on my two dogs and would like to get rid of them before they become a huge problem. There are so many products that I really don't know which is best. The weather is changing and fall usually brings rain, does the…

    What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks?

    I have found at least three ticks on my two dogs and would like to get rid of them before they become a huge problem. There are so many products that I really don't know which is best. The weather is changing and fall usually brings rain, does the…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks?...

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    • What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks?

      What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks? Other Pet Discussions
      I have found at least three ticks on my two dogs and would like to get rid of them before they become a huge problem. There are so many products that I really don't know which is best. The weather is changing and fall usually brings rain, does the product withstand against rain? Also, what should I use for the yard, I have seen some spray bottles at petco but one bottle is not going to cut it.

      What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks?

      What is the best over the counter product out there to use on dogs for ticks? Other Pet Discussions
    • Use frontline on your dogs every month. Call an exterminator to get rid of the insects out of your yard and house. Eventually the ticks may get on you.If your dogs are not on heartworm preventative, get them tested and preventative started immediately. Check their vaccine records while you are there, too.

    • Anything over the counter just doesn't work, and what you buy over the counter can case more problems then good. Always go to a vet and purchase tick/flea med. The med you by over the counter cost less but are not tested as extent as what you can by from the vet. I uses Front line Plus and works the best and is water proof.

    • I have found that no otc product works on ticks, or fleas. As many others have said Frontline or Advantage work very well. I used to live in NH where I had a bad tick problem on all of my dogs. I'm now in FL where fleas are a huge problem.....I guess you just can't escape it!BTW....I don't really think you should have to treat your yard if you have your animal protected.

    • There is a usefull little tool you can get to remove ticks (I don't think Frontline or Advantage will effect them)http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bada-uk.org/images/tickotwister2small.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bada-uk.org/merchandise.html&h=267&w=250&sz=16&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=kMRRLvQfh1WxoM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=106&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtick%2Bremoval%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26sa%3DN

    • Technically, Frontline and Advantage are OTC meds. They don't require testing or prescriptions. You just buy them at the vet (or sometimes upscale pet supply or feed and seed type stores). Advantage does not help with ticks. Frontline does. Advantix is supposed to. Also, some vets carry things like Preventic, a collar, which can be very useful. The other products you're seeing aren't tested thoroughly enough to be safe and are generally a waste of money. If your vet doesn't carry it, it's probably not safe to put on your animal.Can't help with the yard. I haven't had to deal with that. But your local exterminator should be able to advise you. Be sure to specify you need pet-safe advice from them!Also, for info, heartworms, while extremely important to prevent, aren't connected to ticks at all.Hope that helps.