What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog?

We never had this kind of problem till neighbors started to have pet dogs as well.

    What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog?

    We never had this kind of problem till neighbors started to have pet dogs as well....
    Other Pet Discussions : What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog?...

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    • What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog?

      What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog? Other Pet Discussions
      We never had this kind of problem till neighbors started to have pet dogs as well.

      What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog?

      What can we do to prevent neighbors' dogs lice and ticks getting on our pet dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • Revolution, Advantage, Comfortis - these are all names of topical treatments that will keep ticks and fleas off your dog. That and spraying your yard for them and keeping your dogs inside more often.

    • If there dogs are not being treated then report them .You will have to keep your dog away from there dogs .Is here a fenced yard or is this a property with no fencing .Do the dogs come into your yard .

    • If their dogs have lice (mange) , etc, they are actually NEGLECTING their dogs. Call your local animal control facility and tell them what you have seen and what you suspect. They can advise. This is considered abuse. You could be saving them from a horrible life.Make sure your dog has preventitive on and call your vet to see if there is something they can give you to prevent your dog from getting mange.

    • As one answerer said, there are topical treatments that your dogs should receive in any case because fleas and ticks are in the environment and your dog has this problem not ONLY because a neighbor decided to get dogs (and I suppose lice too although lice are not usually an issue with dogs). Another important thing to consider is if there are cats in the neighborhood who roam free and bring these pests into your yard. It is unlikely that a huge influx of pests suddenly bothered your dogs due to a neighbor getting dogs unless your dogs interact closely with your neighbor's dogs. By the way you worded the question, it does NOT sound like this is the case, so free roaming cats may actually be to blame here. Interestingly enough (and all this is not meant to be anti-cat...it is just how it is) BY FAR the most common type of fleas found on dogs are the "common cat flea".

    • Your neighbors are probably saying the same things about you and your dog. It's possible that the fleas and ticks are migrating from another source. And if your dog isn't treated you haven't a leg to stand on in this dispute. It's quite possible that they don't have a parasite problem at all.