What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition?

My boxer/rotty mix has this brown worm looking thing on her hind leg. It is only about an eighth of an inch long. At first I thought it was a tick and I tried to pull it off with tweezers, but it will not come off. Could it be a mole or something else.…

    What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition?

    My boxer/rotty mix has this brown worm looking thing on her hind leg. It is only about an eighth of an inch long. At first I thought it was a tick and I tried to pull it off with tweezers, but it will not come off. Could it be a mole or something else.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition?...

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    • What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition?

      What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition? Other Pet Discussions
      My boxer/rotty mix has this brown worm looking thing on her hind leg. It is only about an eighth of an inch long. At first I thought it was a tick and I tried to pull it off with tweezers, but it will not come off. Could it be a mole or something else. Vet is on vacation. It does not seem to have any feeling in it, as hard as I pulled, she did not move. I looked at pics of ticks on the internet and none of them looked like this.

      What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition?

      What is a tick and is this a tick or a skin condition? Other Pet Discussions
    • ticks become engorged and then fill with blood. so it is possible it could be a tick. also it could be a mole or growth. if you see where it attatches to the skin there might be little legs visible. i wouldnt wait too long to bring her to the vet because a tick can transmit lymes diz in as soon as 24 - 36 hours.

    • no tick i have seen looks like a worm. ticks have legs I would say leave it alone until you talk to your vet. I f it isnt bothering your dog dont let it bother you too much.

    • ticks are blood sucking arachnids. they look like giant mites. if it is a tick (though the best course would be to remove it) it will fall off in a day or so. if it doesn't then it is a growth.edit: it is not a leech...they only stay attached for 15 minutes or so.

    • Depends what part of the country you live in but it could be a leach and they suck blood and will look like a worm and will grow like a tick but longer and there a brown color.

    • Can you get her to see another vet? If you cant, you can either spray (what you think might be) the tick with something like "Frontline" spray, but if you don't have that then use a quick knockdown household aerosol insecticide. Hold the nozzle close to the tick and drench it (don’t spray the whole dog though and dont get any in her eyes). If it is a tick it will die and shrivel up. Good luck

    • it could possibly be a blood blister. now dont freak out it's nothing serious, just like you said it has no feeling in it so prick it and let it bleedand puss cover it with a baandaid andit should be alright but dont take this action til youve seen a doctor. i'm just trying to put your mind at ease while you wait. if you have any other questions email me! [email protected]

    • The ticks favorite spots include between the dogs toes, in the ears and at the junction of the legs and body, their head is usually imbedded into the skin and orten stays there even though the rest of the body is successfully removed, so check your dog for more ticks, they are generally black or brown in color, larger than a flea and have a shape like a small pumpkim seed, but if you are really worry about it, you can go and see with some other vet.

    • My dog had something that looked like that on his hind leg. I thought it was a tick and tried to pull it off but it wouldn't come off. It didn't bother him so I just left it alone, Then he got another one between his front toes then two more on his hind legs. The first one started growing in leaps and bounds till it was quite large and the skin was raw and weeping. The vet removed all four of them and said she didn't really know what they were and had them biopsied. They were benign. It could be nothing but take her to the vet to be sure.

    • I would say it is not a tick. You would know if it's a tick when you pull on it. The dog won't stand still for it. I would suggest you watch it and take the dog to the vet as soon as you can. If it gets any bigger or turns a darker color then find a vet as soon as possible. It could be a number of things. It could be a wart, mole or something a lot worse. It could be a tumor or something that the dog brushed up against that is causing some kind or reaction. But the best bet is to take the dog to the vet and let him diagnose the problem before you "pop" it. You could be doing a lot of harm if you do something such as pricking the "wart" or what ever it is. When in doubt let the vet figure it out.