Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting?

Our 4 month old Australian Shepherd is very mouthy. We have tried everything! Do you think adopting a slightly older female dog (1-2 years old) will help him learn to be more gentle?I am aware that he is teething, and that was not my question. He has…

    Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting?

    Our 4 month old Australian Shepherd is very mouthy. We have tried everything! Do you think adopting a slightly older female dog (1-2 years old) will help him learn to be more gentle?I am aware that he is teething, and that was not my question. He has…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting?...

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    • Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting?

      Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting? General Dog Discussions
      Our 4 month old Australian Shepherd is very mouthy. We have tried everything! Do you think adopting a slightly older female dog (1-2 years old) will help him learn to be more gentle?I am aware that he is teething, and that was not my question. He has plenty of opportunities to chew on toys and bones. We are more concerned with the biting that happens more reactively. Its not nibbling, or chewing. Its biting. He does enjoy playing with another puppy in our neighborhood, but we don't want to get two puppies at once, and were wondering if an older dog specifically could help. Just because the bite inhibition training and other techniques haven't worked yet doesn't mean we have given up on them.

      Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting?

      Will an older dog help our puppy learn to stop biting? General Dog Discussions
    • Maybe.. Maybe not.. Likely she will tell him not to bite her, but won't tell him not to bite you.. That was what mom was going to teach him as a pup.. And what you should have been teaching him since you got him.. More than likely she will not allow him to bite her, but you will be on your own when it comes to biting.. She's not his mom, that's not her job.

    • Of course it won't help your puppy stop biting. Your dog needs to bite things because it has a irritating feeling that it MUST bite something because the teeth are growing. Give him a chew toy.:)

    • part of our dogs socializing was with the neighbors one yr old of the same breed.. at the time she was play biting, and we were working with her but after 3 play sessions with the other dog, she stopped doing it... there are some things the other dog can teach that we cannot...

    • It depends on the dog. One of mine runs from pups. One scares the crap out of them one will scare and roll them and my alpha will roll on his back and let them chew on him. Unless he hurts them he lets them go. Its more likely an established adult dog in the home is going to do more to help you teach the pup right from wrong.

    • No, only you can teach it that it's not OK to bite. All puppies bite until they are taught not to. When he nips, use an open palm under his chin and tell him NO.I will agree that Aussies are very "Mouthy" dogs. Mine will just hold your hand in his mouth as a sign of affection. Aussies need a lot of stimulation, so keep plenty of toys and chews around for him to play with. If an Aussie gets bored, it will invent ways of having fun, even if you don't see the fun it what he's doing!