what are some fun tropical fish to breed?

I'm looking for a fun fish to breed. someone suggested bettas or cory cats or rams...what else? i'm not interested in livebearers, and i have limited space. Input appreciated! Thanks.

    what are some fun tropical fish to breed?

    I'm looking for a fun fish to breed. someone suggested bettas or cory cats or rams...what else? i'm not interested in livebearers, and i have limited space. Input appreciated! Thanks....
    Dogs Training Discussions : what are some fun tropical fish to breed?...

    • what are some fun tropical fish to breed?

      what are some fun tropical fish to breed? Dogs Training Discussions
      I'm looking for a fun fish to breed. someone suggested bettas or cory cats or rams...what else? i'm not interested in livebearers, and i have limited space. Input appreciated! Thanks.

      what are some fun tropical fish to breed?

      what are some fun tropical fish to breed? Dogs Training Discussions
    • If you're starting out, try Zebra Danios. They are an easier type of egg-layer to begin with. If you're up for more of a challenge, Angelfish can be interesting with their way of laying eggs in rows on a piece of slate or other smooth surface.

    • I like my cherry barbs ... I only have a 10 gallon tank; but they only get about 2 inches so I can have a few of them before I run out of room.Hariquins look nice too. They're even smaller; so getting a nice school of them going isn't too bad if you have a smaller tank.

    • Tetras,chiclids, angel fish,picoutimas,gouamis,barbs to name just a few. I had some very pretty veil tail angel fish for quite a long time . One lived to be 10 years old and his body (not including his tail) was about the size of your palm. I got him when he was only about he size of a quarter. They are pretty and fascinating to watch. Bronze Cory Cat fish are neat too. I love watching mine do what I call the cat fish dance. They wiggle while swimming rapidly up and down in the water at times. It is quite fun to watch