What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend?

Are their any fun games to play while riding on the trails?

    What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend?

    Are their any fun games to play while riding on the trails?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend?...

    • What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend?

      What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend? Dogs Training Discussions
      Are their any fun games to play while riding on the trails?

      What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend?

      What fun think can I do on the trails with my friend? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Cant really do it on trails but we used to play bareback baseball in the snow. The more snow the more fun and of course the less painful when you fell off.You could try singing songs or playing a game like I spy.

    • The leaf game! This is how it works:-Everyone has to walk in a line.-Whoever is in front has to grab a leaf. -Then, they put that leaf on branch or something (but you have to stay moving and stay on the trail.)-The second person in line has to try to grab the leaf and put it on another branch. -The third person does the same, and so on and so forth. It's harder than it sounds because you can't stop to pick up the leaf, and if someone has a small horse or short arms, it gets a little difficult. But it's fun!

    • I love setting up obstacle courses on the trail. You can use things around you like hills, logs, and streams, and you can add other things like jumps, things you have to find, or my friends and I like to take crazy clothes out and do Photo shoots! Yeah, the last one is really fun, but you will look ridiculous if you get caught! Lol.Have fun!

    • These things aren't really games but they're still fun :DYou can find a safe log to pop overFind a safe and open field to gallop inIf you do english, use a western saddleIf you do western, use an english saddleHope this helped :)

    • An Easter egg hunt on horseback is a lot of fun. I guess you'd have to have someone else hide the eggs for you in advance. You could also do a scavenger hunt. Come up with a list of things to find on the trail and see who gets the most.