How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old?

Ok heres the thing i LOVE dogs but my 2 year old daughter comes number 1! When we first got Milo (Our now 8 mth old Chihuahua) he bit my daughter twice, not bad, but because she was so ruff with him! But now its been about 3 months that we've had him and…

    How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old?

    Ok heres the thing i LOVE dogs but my 2 year old daughter comes number 1! When we first got Milo (Our now 8 mth old Chihuahua) he bit my daughter twice, not bad, but because she was so ruff with him! But now its been about 3 months that we've had him and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old?...

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    • How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old?

      How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old? General Dog Discussions
      Ok heres the thing i LOVE dogs but my 2 year old daughter comes number 1! When we first got Milo (Our now 8 mth old Chihuahua) he bit my daughter twice, not bad, but because she was so ruff with him! But now its been about 3 months that we've had him and hes very gentle with her! She loves him to death and loves to play with him! He is the most easy going timid submissive dog i have ever owned! But i want to know how he views her now? I know he thinks of all adults as pack leader because he listens and is actually kind of a scardy cat! But how can i be sure my daughter will be safe with him? She actually, the other night picked him up by both hind legs and he didnt even try to nip at her, he just looked really scared! But i was there to save him as soon as i saw it! How can i be sure she can play with him without him trying to bite her again? Please do not suggest getting rid of him or hitting him! Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!

      How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old?

      How does my chihuahua veiw my 2 year old? General Dog Discussions
    • Chihuahuas are not the most appropriate kind of dog for very young children like your child. They are fragile and will get hurt and the child could easily get bitten. Eventually the dog will become very scared of children her age and will start to snap at any child your daughter's age.If you take care that the Chihuahua is looked after properly and that your little girl won't go near him or is taught how to be nice which will be the hard part then the 2 will be OK together

    • For heavens sake, why r u viewing the dog as the villian, don`t u know that a 2 yr. old child has no concept of how to play with a living fragile creature. Of course he may bite if ur daughter is handling him as if he were a stuffed toy, what other defense does he have. If u insist on keeping him, then constant supervision and correction on ur daughters part will be needed. Otherwise, ur going to end up with a bitten child or an injured dog.Neither situation is good, U need to rethink ur decision.