How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun?

I have a 2 year old dwarf hamster and all he does is sleep in his wooden house. He does nothing but eating and hes really lazy. How do i make him go out and have more fun like running around playing etc. P.S i tried adding new rooms, putting a small…

    How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun?

    I have a 2 year old dwarf hamster and all he does is sleep in his wooden house. He does nothing but eating and hes really lazy. How do i make him go out and have more fun like running around playing etc. P.S i tried adding new rooms, putting a small…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun?...

    • How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun?

      How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun? Dogs Training Discussions
      I have a 2 year old dwarf hamster and all he does is sleep in his wooden house. He does nothing but eating and hes really lazy. How do i make him go out and have more fun like running around playing etc. P.S i tried adding new rooms, putting a small seesaw inside, giving him treats and petting him.

      How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun?

      How do i make my dwarf hamster have fun? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Well, he's pretty old for a dwarf hamster, so I'd just keep him comfortable right now =].You should still give him some exercise, but he won't be as into it as when he was younger. It's just how hamsters are.I've heard that every human year is 25 years for a hamster, so he's in his 50's.

    • I'm sorry to tell you this, if you don't already know, but at two years old, a Dwarf hamster is a senior citizen. A little devrease in ebergy level is to be expected. You can't "make" him have fun. You are doing what you can, provide new things to try to get him interested. The other thing is that they are nocturnal. He may be up all ight having fun while you're asleep. The exercise ball isn't a bad idea. But my Dwarf hamsters just sit there and do nothing in their exercise balls. They never have really gotten to where they enjoy rolling all over the house like some do.

    • I have dwarf hamsters too and they LOVE it when I make them an obstacle course. I have a small pet fence i put on the floor in a circle and i put small things like toilet paper tubes and other small things they can climb on. They LOVE it when I put a few small toy trucks with seeds in the back or seeds hidden in other places around the circle. They are very smart and Love the challenge.

    • You look the dwarf hamster straight in the eye and say "Dwarf hamster, you are ging to have fun, do you hear me? Now move it, move it! Go have fun!!!" and then you pat him lightly and say "I wuv you dwarf hamster!"